Workplace gender equality indicator data measures

Information about the 2 categories of data you will collect as part of your progress audit.

Categories of data

There are 2 categories of data for your progress audit: workforce data and employee experience data.

  • Workforce data is taken from your internal data collection systems.
  • Employee experience data is taken from your organisation’s employee experience survey (see below for further guidance). The employee experience data will complement your workforce data to help you better understand gender inequality in your organisation.

Source of employee experience data

Organisations participating in the VPSC's 2023 People Matter Survey

The relevant questions for your progress audit have been included in the 2023 PMS. The Victorian Public Sector Commission (VPSC) will provide you with the relevant employee experience data for your progress audit.

In 2023, local councils can access an abridged version of the 2023 PMS for local government. The Commission will provide participating councils with the relevant employee experience data for your progress audit.

The VPSC will collect and provide the employee experience data to the Commission on behalf of your organisation. This means participating organisations will not need to complete and upload the employee experience reporting template.

Organisations not participating in the VPSC's 2023 People matter Survey

For organisations who will administer the survey in-house (not recommended) or through a third-party provider, the survey questions and guidance on collecting employee experience data (including safety and anonymity protocols, survey methodology, specifications, organisational response and referral protocols) are available on our progress audit page.

For these organisations, you can submit your data to the Commission using the employee experience reporting template available on our progress audit page.

Data measures

Below is a summary of the data measures taken from the workforce data. The data measures are categorised by the workplace gender equality indicators. The 'recommended' data relating to intersectional gender inequality is optional, but you are encouraged to include it where available.

The employee experience data measures, which will complement the workforce data, are available on our progress audit page.

You may wish to collect and analyse additional workforce data to inform your progress report, beyond the data measures below.

Refer to appendix A and appendix B for definitions of terms used in this section.

Workplace gender equality indicator data measures for 2023 (workforce data measures only)

Indicator 1 – gender composition of the workforce

  • Gender composition at each level by employment basis as at the end of the audit reporting period.


Gender composition at each level by employment basis, and by:

  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander identity
  • age
  • cultural identity
  • disability
  • religion
  • sexual orientation

as at the end of the audit reporting period.

Indicator 2 – gender composition of the governing body

  • Gender composition of the governing body as at the end of the audit reporting period.


Gender composition of the governing body by:

  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander identity
  • age
  • cultural identity
  • disability
  • religion
  • sexual orientation

as at the end of the audit reporting period.

Indicator 3 – gender pay equity

Equal remuneration for work of equal or comparable value across all levels of the workforce, irrespective of gender.

  • Mean and median base salary and total remuneration gender pay gap for the whole organisation, at each level, and for each employment basis, as at the end of the audit reporting period.


The average (mean and median) annualised full-time equivalent salary gap between genders (for both annualised base salary and total remuneration) by classification and employment basis across the whole defined entity, and by:

  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander identity
  • age
  • cultural identity
  • disability
  • religion
  • sexual orientation.

Indicator 4 – sexual harassment in the workplace

  • Total number of sexual harassment complaints submitted during the audit reporting period.
  • The number of sexual harassment complainants recorded during the audit reporting period, by gender and type of complainant.
  • The number of sexual harassment complainants recorded during the audit reporting period, by gender and relationship to incident.
  • The number of respondents to sexual harassment complaints submitted during the audit reporting period, by gender and workplace relationship to complainant.
  • The outcomes of any sexual harassment complaints submitted during the audit reporting period, including any settlement and/or non-disclosure agreements, by gender of complainant.
  • Actions your organisation has taken during the audit reporting period to prevent future incidents of sexual harassment in the workplace.
  • The number of sexual harassment complaints submitted during the audit reporting period that were handled internally, externally or both, by gender of complainant.
  • Level of complainant satisfaction with the outcomes of each complaint submitted during the audit reporting period, by gender of complainant.


The number of sexual harassment complainants recorded during the audit reporting period, by gender and:

  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander identity
  • age
  • cultural identity
  • disability
  • religion
  • sexual orientation.

Indicator 5 – recruitment and promotion practices in the workplace

  • Gender composition of people recruited during the audit reporting period, by level and employment basis.
  • Gender composition of employees who had a permanent promotion during the audit reporting period, by level and employment basis.
  • Gender composition of employees who participated in career development training during the audit reporting period, by level and employment basis.
  • Gender composition of employees who were awarded higher duties during the audit reporting period, by level and employment basis.
  • Gender composition of employees who were awarded internal secondments during the audit reporting period, by level and employment basis.
  • Gender composition of employees who exited the defined entity during the audit reporting period, by level and employment basis.


Gender composition of recruitment and promotion data by level, employment basis and:

  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander identity
  • age
  • cultural identity
  • disability
  • religion
  • sexual orientation.

Indicator 6 – leave and flexibility

Availability and utilisation of terms, conditions and practices relating to:

  1. family violence leave
  2. flexible working arrangements
  3. working arrangements supporting workers with family or caring responsibilities.
  • Gender composition of employees with and without formal flexible work arrangements, by level and employment basis, as at the end of the audit reporting period.
  • Gender composition of senior leaders working with flexible work arrangements, by type of flexible work arrangement, as at the end of the audit reporting period.
  • Gender composition of employees whose parental leave ended during the audit reporting period, by level, length of leave and by type of leave (paid or unpaid).
  • Gender composition of employees who exited the defined entity during parental leave during the audit reporting period, by gender.
  • Gender composition of employees accessing family violence leave during the audit reporting period.
  • Gender composition of employees accessing carers leave during the audit reporting period.

Indicator 7 – gendered segregation within the workplace

  • Gender composition of ANZSCO occupation groups as at the end of the audit reporting period.

Workplace gender equality indicator – survey questions

Please note that not every workplace gender equality indicator has associated survey questions. Indicators with survey questions are listed below.

Indicator 1 – gender composition of the workforce

  • How do you describe your gender?
  • What is your age range?
  • Are you trans, non-binary or gender diverse?
  • How do you describe your sexual orientation?
  • Are you a person with disability?
  • In which country were you born?
  • How would you describe your cultural identity?
  • Do you identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander?
  • Do you speak a language other than English with your family or community?
  • What is your religion?
  • What have been your main places of work over the last 3 months?
  • How many years have you been employed in your current organisation?
  • Do you work full-time or part-time?
  • What is your current employment status?
  • What is your gross annual salary (non-executive) or total annual remuneration package (executive)?
  • Are you the manager of one or more employees?

Indicator 4 – sexual harassment in the workplace

  • I feel safe to challenge inappropriate behaviour at work.
  • My organisation takes steps to eliminate bullying, harassment and discrimination.
  • My organisation encourages respectful workplace behaviours.
  • During the last 12 months in your current organisation, have you experienced any of the following behaviours at work?
  • Who behaved in that way?
  • How often have you experienced the behaviour(s)?
  • How did you respond to the harassment?
  • What was your reason for not submitting a formal complaint?
  • Were you satisfied with the way your formal complaint was handled?

Indicator 5 – recruitment and promotion practices in the workplace

  • I am satisfied with the way my learning and development needs have been addressed in the last 12 months.
  • I am satisfied with the opportunities to progress in my organisation.
  • During the last 12 months in your current organisation, have you experienced any barriers to your success at work due to any of the following?
  • During the last 12 months in your current organisation, have you witnessed any barriers to the success of other employees related to any of the following?
  • I believe the recruitment processes in my organisation are fair.
  • I believe the promotion processes in my organisation are fair.
  • I have an equal chance at promotion in my organisation.

Indicator 6 – leave and flexibility

Availability and utilisation of terms, conditions and practices relating to:

  1. family violence leave;
  2. flexible working arrangements; and
  3. working arrangements supporting workers with family or caring responsibilities
  • I am confident that if I requested a flexible work arrangement, it would be given due consideration.
  • My organisation would support me if I needed to take family violence leave.
  • My manager supports working flexibly.
  • Do you have responsibility for caring for any of the following people?
  • Do you use any of the following flexible work arrangements?
  • Have you requested any of the following adjustments at work?
  • Why did you make this request?
  • What was your experience with making this request?

Indicator 7 – gendered segregation within the workplace

  • I can be myself at work.
  • I feel culturally safe at work.
  • I feel as if I belong at this organisation.
  • My organisation uses inclusive and respectful images and language.
  • In my workgroup work is allocated fairly, regardless of gender.
  • People in my workgroup treat each other with respect.
  • My manager treats employees with dignity and respect.
  • During the last 12 months in your current organisation, have you personally experienced bullying at work?
  • What type of bullying did you experience?
  • Who behaved in that way?
  • Did you tell anyone about the bullying?
  • What was your reason for not submitting a formal complaint?
  • Were you satisfied with the way your formal complaint was handled?
  • During the last 12 months in your current organisation, have you personally experienced discrimination at work?
  • What type of discrimination did you experience?
  • Why were you discriminated against?
  • Who behaved in that way?
  • Did you tell anyone about the discrimination?
  • Were you satisfied with the way your formal complaint was handled?
  • What was your reason for not submitting a formal complaint?
  • What is the single most important thing your organisation could do to create a more inclusive and respectful workplace?
