Reporting platform and Insights Portal status

Reporting platform status

The Gender Equality Act Reporting Platform is used by defined entities to upload and manage their reporting obligations, and to analyse their audit data.

Release history

  • July 2023: Major release for 2023 in support of the progress reporting obligation cycle. Highlights include:
    • introduction of the 'Review' stage for viewing, assessing and analysing data before submission to the Commissioner
    • introduction of the 'Review' report to enable the quality of uploaded data to be assessed
    • introduction of the 'Public preview' report to enable organisations to view how their information will appear on the Insights Portal before it is published
    • support for the enhanced workforce reporting template.


  • 8 February 2024: The reporting platform is currently affected by the following issues.
    • An issue that is preventing some uploaded audit data from being viewed in reports.
    • An issue that is incorrectly flagging an error in the Data Quality Review report.

Refer to the Open issues section below for further information about these issues.

Insights Portal status

The Insights Portal is used by the public to view information that has been published by the Commissioner under powers described by The Gender Equality Act 2020 (Vic). Information published may include Gender Equality Action Plans (GEAPs), progress reports, and workplace gender audit and progress audit results.

Release history

  • July 2023: Minor release for 2023 in support of the progress reporting obligation cycle. There are no significant changes to the functionality of the Insights Portal for 2023.


  • There are no current issues affecting the Insights Portal.

Open issues

INC1246358 - Audit data not flowing to reports


  • The reporting platform is used by organisations to upload and submit progress audit data.
  • After uploading audit data and moving the audit to a status of 'Review', the data should become visible in platform data reports within 24 hours.
  • For a small number of organisations, this is not happening automatically.


  • Audits contain 2 sets of data: workforce data and employee experience data.
  • The issue is being triggered when there is a delay of a day or more between when audit data is uploaded to the platform, and when the audit is moved into a status of 'Review'
  • The resulting impact of this issue differs based on what data has been uploaded, and how many times an audit has been moved to the 'Review' state.
  • However, it may result in:
    • no audit data being visible in the reports
    • only workforce or employee experience data being visible in the reports
    • stale data (data from a previous review) being visible in the reports.


  • A workaround is available for this issue.
  • While we investigate and develop an appropriate resolution, we will monitor all audits for signals that the audit may be affected.
  • In instances where the audit is, or is considered likely to be affected, we will communicate with the affected organisation to let them know that their audit is affected.
  • We will either apply a repair of the audit for the organisation, or where the organisation needs to take action, we will supply instructions for applying a workaround to address the issue.
  • Organisations that have not encountered this issue, or have not yet uploaded their audit data, can minimise the likelihood of encountering the issue by promptly moving their audit data to the 'Review' stage after uploading it to the reporting platform. If an audit is moved to review on the same day as audit data is uploaded, this issue is unlikely to occur.

Status and history

  • 25 Oct 2023
    • We are working closely with our technology support partners to identify an appropriate resolution.
    • We have identified workarounds to mitigate the impact of the issue for all affected organisations.
    • Consequently, organisations can continue to upload audit data to the platform and use the platform to analyse their audit data.

INC1264167 - Incorrect result for Data Quality Review report rule E_19


  • After uploading audit data and moving the audit to a status of 'Review', the data should become visible in platform data reports within 24 hours.
  • Among these reports is the Data Quality Review report, which provides automated feedback on potential issues with the uploaded data.
  • For some organisations, rule E_19 is incorrectly producing a 'Fail' result when it should be producing a 'Pass' result.
A page from the Data Quality Review report shows a list of rules, each with a pass or fail result. Rule E_19 is at the top of the list and has a fail result.


  • Rule E_19 checks that values in the 'Weekly pay' field of the Employee dataset are in the expected range.
  • Rule E_19 should produce a 'Pass' result when every value in the 'Weekly pay' field is either blank or at least $800.
  • When an organisation's data contains only blank values, or a mixture of both blank values and values above $800, the rule is incorrectly producing a 'Fail' result.
  • Only rule E_19 is affected. All other rules continue to operate normally.


  • The guidance for rule E_19 recommends that organisations failing this rule revise their audit data.
  • Please review your Employee dataset for 'Weekly pay' values and ensure that all values are either above $800 or left blank.
  • Once every 'Weekly pay' value is blank or at least $800, you may disregard the 'Fail' result.
  • Once the issue is resolved, the 'Fail' result will automatically resolve to a 'Pass'.

Status and history

  • 24 Nov 2023
    • The impact section of the above summary was updated to clarify that this issue can occur when an organisation's data contains only blank values.
  • 3 Nov 2023
    • We are working closely with our technology support partners to identify an appropriate resolution.
    • In the interim, organisations can continue to upload audit data to the platform and use the platform to analyse their audit data.

Resolved issues

INC1280395 - Senior leader flexible work data missing


  • After uploading audit data and moving the audit to a status of 'Review', the data should become visible in platform data reports within 24 hours.
  • Among these reports is the Indicators report, which allows users to explore their audit results on a range of workplace gender equality indicator data measures(opens in a new window).
  • For organisations that upload unit level workforce data, the table that should display the flexible work arrangements used by senior leaders was showing all zero (0) results, prior to 5 January 2024.
A page from the Indicators report shows 4 buttons and a data table titled '6.2 Senior leader flexible work'. Every value in the table is zero.


  • Normally, the Indicators report will calculate how many active senior leaders used each type of flexible work arrangement for any organisation that provided the necessary data.
  • Organisations whose data includes at least one employee identified as an active senior leader should see results in this table, but before 5 January 2024 they were not.
  • No other components of the Indicators report were affected.
  • No other reports were affected.
  • This issue affected data from 2023 only. Audit results from 2021 were not affected.


  • Organisations with missing senior leader flexible work results can use the Excel tool below to calculate the missing results directly from their Employee data.
INC1280395 - Senior leader flexible work calculator
Excel 89.89 KB
(opens in a new window)

Status and history

  • 8 Jan 2024
    • We deployed a change to our data pipeline to correct the issue.
    • The change took effect on 5 January 2024.
    • Organisations should now be able to view results in this table as expected.
  • 24 Nov 2023
    • We are working closely with our technology support partners to identify an appropriate resolution.
    • We have developed an Excel tool to mitigate the impact of the issue for all affected organisations.
    • Consequently, organisations can continue to upload audit data to the platform and use the platform to analyse their audit data across the remaining data measures(opens in a new window).

INC1294729 - Incorrect People matter survey results for gender = women


  • Employee experience data in the progress audit may be sourced from the People matter survey.
    • The Victorian Public Sector Commission provides the survey data to CGEPS who add it to the reporting platform
    • The CGEPS reporting platform presents this data in reports when a progress audit is at the 'Review' stage.
    • Survey results for each gender are provided (for women, men and people of self-described gender).
    • The results are presented in two ways:
      • results for each gender.
      • results for each gender intersected with one other demographic attribute (for example, Age group).
  • For some organisations, the results for gender group women were incorrect prior to 11 January 2024.
  • These results were progressively corrected on 9 and 10 January 2024.


  • Organisations may have been affected if they:
    • completed their survey in June 2023;
    • are not a local council; and
    • have moved their audit to a status of 'Review' at least once prior to 11 January 2024.
  • Results for the gender group women may have been incorrect prior to 11 January 2024.
  • Results for the gender group women, intersected with an additional demographic attribute were correct.
  • The following figure shows where results may have been incorrect prior to 11 January 2024.
Figure illustrating where results may be incorrect for the gender group women
Figure illustrating impact of INC1294729


  • Before this issue was corrected, the Qualtrics People matter survey results dashboard could be used to source survey results for women.
  • If you have undertaken analysis of employee experience data for women using the CGEPS reporting platform prior to 11 January 2024, either:
    • cross check your results against the Qualtrics People matter survey results dashboard and make any necessary adjustments; or
    • cross check against the CGEPS reporting platform.

Status and history

  • 11 January 2024
    • We corrected the inaccurate results on 9 and 10 January 2024.
    • The change took effect on 11 January 2024.
    • Organisations should now be able to view People matter survey results as expected.
  • 8 January 2024
    • This issue is currently ongoing.
    • Any new organisations potentially impacted by this issue have been individually notified across December 2023.
    • CGEPS has received corrected data from the Victorian Public Sector Commission and is validating it.
    • We anticipate uploading the corrected data in mid-January 2024.
    • We will contact affected organisations to let them know when the issue is resolved.
  • 8 December 2023
    • Issue raised on 7 December 2023
    • Organisations potentially impacted by the issue were notified on 7 December 2023
    • CGEPS are working with the Victorian Public Sector Commission to obtain, validate and upload corrected data for all potentially impacted organisations (including those whose audits have not yet entered a status of 'Review' for the first time)
    • We anticipate being able to resolve the issue by 22 December 2023.

INC1323716 - People matter survey results incorrectly displayed as zero


  • Employee experience data in the progress audit may be sourced from the People matter survey.
    • The Victorian Public Sector Commission provides the survey data to CGEPS who add it to the reporting platform.
    • The CGEPS reporting platform presents this data in reports when a progress audit is at the 'Review' stage.
    • Survey results for each gender are provided (for women, men and people of self-described gender).
    • The results are presented in two ways:
      • results for each gender.
      • results for each gender intersected with one other demographic attribute (for example, Age group).
  • Results are not provided if there were not enough respondents from a given demographic group to ensure anonymity.
  • In most cases, these results were not displayed within the Indicators report at all. However, in some cases this appeared as a result of 0%.
  • These results were progressively corrected on 9 and 10 January 2024.
A chart from the Indicators report shows survey results for the question 'Do you speak a language other than English with your family or community?'. The chart shows that 96% of women answered no, 90% of men answered no, and 0% of people of self-described gender answered no. The 0% result is highlighted because it is an error.


  • Organisations may have been affected if they:
    • completed their survey in June 2023; and
    • have moved their audit to a status of 'Review' at least once prior to 11 January 2024.
  • Only results that displayed as 0% were affected. This was not an accurate result for the group.
  • After 11 January 2024, results are not displayed if there were not enough respondents from a given demographic group to ensure anonymity.


  • Before this issue was corrected, the Qualtrics People matter survey results dashboard could be used to verify out-of-trend results.
  • If you have undertaken analysis of employee experience data for women using the CGEPS reporting platform prior to 11 January 2024, either:
    • cross check your results against the Qualtrics People matter survey results dashboard and make any necessary adjustments; or
    • cross check against the CGEPS reporting platform.

Status and history

INC1329355 - Pay gap results missing from reports


  • After uploading audit data and moving the audit to a status of 'Review', the data should become visible in platform data reports within 24 hours.
  • For organisations that uploaded data between 11 January and 5 February 2024, gender pay gap results did not appear within reports.
A screenshot of the Indicators report with Indicator 3 selected. The area that should display the median base salary pay gap is empty.


  • Normally, platform reports will calculate a range of gender pay gap results for any organisation that provided the necessary data.
  • Organisations that uploaded unit level workforce data between 11 January and 5 February 2024 were temporarily unable to view these results.
  • No other components of the reports are affected.


  • Organisations with missing gender pay gap results were advised to use the Excel tool below to calculate the missing results directly from their Employee data.
INC1329355 - Gender pay gap calculator
Excel 33.95 KB
(opens in a new window)

Status and history

  • 8 February 2024
    • We resolved this issue on 2 February 2024.
    • The change took effect on 5 January 2024.
    • Organisations should now be able to view gender pay gap results through reports as expected.
  • 18 January 2024
    • We are working closely with our technology support partners to identify an appropriate resolution.
    • We have developed an Excel tool to mitigate the impact of the issue for all affected organisations.
    • Consequently, organisations can continue to upload audit data to the platform and use the platform to analyse their audit data across the remaining data measures(opens in a new window).
