Progress audit 2023: Understanding compliance feedback

Information about issues identified in 2023 progress audit compliance feedback reports.

On this page

Employee Dataset

E_01 My organisation has at least 50 active employees

The Gender Equality Act only applies to certain organisations with 50 or more employees. Section 3 of the Gender Equality Act defines an employee as follows:

an employee, of a defined entity, means a person employed by the defined entity on a full-time, part-time, casual or fixed term basis (including an apprentice or trainee) but does not include—
(a) a contractor or subcontractor; or
(b) an outworker; or
(c) a person on a vocational placement; or
(d) a student gaining work experience; or
(e) a volunteer.

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Active' data field indicates which employees were actively employed at the end of the audit reporting period.

The Commission checks that your employee dataset includes at least 50 active employees. This helps ensure you haven't missed anyone.

Advice on rule E_01

If employees are missing from your dataset, the Commission can't assess whether you've made progress on the workplace gender equality indicators. You will be asked to address this issue and resubmit your audit.

One reason you might be receiving this feedback is that you didn't complete the 'Active' data field correctly. You should check that you have entered Y (Yes) for each person who was employed at the end of the audit reporting period.

After you revise your data, the reporting platform's Data Quality Review report can help you confirm you've addressed this issue. To view it, log into the reporting platform and navigate to Reports > Review.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topics such as:

  • who counts and doesn't count as an employee; and
  • the data specification for the 'Active' field.

E_02 My organisation has assigned a unique reference to each employee

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Unique reference' field should contain a randomised identifier unique to each employee.

The Commission checks that each value in this field is unique, with no duplicates. This helps ensure you haven't included the same person more than once.

Advice on rule E_02

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action. When your data is published to our Insights Portal, some sections will display the message 'Suitable data not supplied'.

If you wish to address this issue, you should check the 'Unique reference' field for duplicates. You'll find this on the Employee sheet of your workforce reporting template.

You can use Excel's conditional formatting feature to highlight duplicate values in the 'Unique reference' column. In Excel 365, this is found under Home > Conditional Formatting > Highlight Cells Rules > Duplicate Values.

There are several reasons why you might have duplicate 'Unique reference' values in your data:

  • You may have reported on the same person twice.
  • You may have inadvertently assigned the same unique reference value to two different people.

If you revise your submission, the reporting platform's Data Quality Review report can help you confirm you've addressed this issue. To view it, log into the reporting platform and navigate to Reports > Review.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topics such as:

  • who counts and doesn't count as an employee; and
  • the data specification for the 'Unique reference' field.

E_03 My organisation has disaggregated its employees by gender

The Gender Equality Act requires audits to be based on gender-disaggregated data. To show progress on the workplace gender equality indicators, you need to conduct a gendered analysis.

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Gender' field should contain a code to indicate the gender of each employee.

The Commission checks that you have reported employees in multiple gender groups. This helps ensure you have adequate data to support a gendered analysis.

Advice on rule E_03

If you haven't disaggregated your employees by gender, the Commission can't assess whether you've made progress on the workplace gender equality indicators. You will be asked to address this issue and resubmit your audit.

If all your employees genuinely had the same gender, please contact the Commission.

After you revise your data, the reporting platform's Data Quality Review report can help you confirm you've addressed this issue. To view it, log into the reporting platform and navigate to Reports > Review.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • who counts and doesn't count as an employee; and
  • the data specification for the 'Gender' field.

E_04 For employees with more than one cultural identity, my organisation has not included 'Data unavailable' in any value lists

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Cultural identity' field should contain a code to indicate each employee's cultural identity. If an employee has more than one cultural identity, you should format the selections as a list delimited with vertical bars like this: A|B|C

The value 'Data unavailable' should only be used if your organisation can't provide cultural identity data at this time. If you've provided a list of cultural identities for an employee, it wouldn't make sense for one of those values to be 'Data unavailable'.

The Commission checks that lists of cultural identity codes do not include the value 'Data unavailable'. This helps ensure you haven't made mistakes when preparing your cultural identity data.

Advice on rule E_04

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

To avoid this, you should remove the value 'Data unavailable' from any lists of cultural identity values.

If you revise your submission, the reporting platform's Data Quality Review report can help you confirm you've addressed this issue. To view it, log into the reporting platform and navigate to Reports > Review.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • who counts and doesn't count as an employee; and
  • the data specification for the 'Cultural identity' field.

E_05 My organisation has disaggregated its employees by employment basis

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Employment basis' field should contain a code to indicate the nature of each person's employment. This is a mandatory field, so you need to determine the right employment basis code for each employee.

The Commission checks that you have reported employees in multiple employment basis groups. This helps ensure our systems will be able to interpret your submission correctly.

Advice on rule E_05

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action. When your data is published to our Insights Portal, some sections will display the message 'Suitable data not supplied'.

If all your employees genuinely had the same employment basis, please contact the Commission.

If you revise your submission, the reporting platform's Data Quality Review report can help you confirm you've addressed this issue. To view it, log into the reporting platform and navigate to Reports > Review.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • who counts and doesn't count as an employee; and
  • the data specification for the 'Employment basis' field.

E_06 My organisation has disaggregated its employees by level

The Gender Equality Act establishes seven workplace gender equality indicators. Two of these indicators require analysis at all levels of the workforce.

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Level' field should contain a number to indicate the level of each employee.

The Commission checks that you have reported employees at more than one level of your organisation. This helps ensure you have adequate data to support a by-level analysis.

Advice on rule E_06

If you haven't disaggregated your employees by level, the Commission can't assess whether you've made progress on the workplace gender equality indicators. You will be asked to address this issue and resubmit your audit.

After you revise your data, the reporting platform's Data Quality Review report can help you confirm you've addressed this issue. To view it, log into the reporting platform and navigate to Reports > Review.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • who counts and doesn't count as an employee; and
  • the data specification for the 'Level' field.

E_07 My organisation has exactly 1 active CEO or equivalent

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Level' field should contain a number to indicate the level of each employee. The value 0 should be reserved for your organisation's CEO or equivalent head of organisation. The 'Active' data field indicates which employees were actively employed at the end of the audit reporting period.

The Commission checks that you have reported exactly one active CEO or equivalent. This helps ensure you have included the right group of people in your employee dataset.

Advice on rule E_07

If employees are missing from your dataset, or non-employees have been included, the Commission can't assess whether you've made progress on the workplace gender equality indicators. You will be asked to address this issue and resubmit your audit.

Open your employee dataset and look for rows where 'Level' is 0 and 'Active' is Y (Yes).

There are several reasons why you might not have any active employees at level 0:

  • Your organisation may have inadvertently excluded its CEO or equivalent from the employee dataset. We encourage you to review your data in case this issue is a symptom of a larger error.
  • Your organisation may not have completed the 'Active' field correctly. You should check that you have entered Y (Yes) for each person who was employed at the end of the audit reporting period, including the CEO.
  • Your organisation may not have had a CEO or equivalent at the end of the audit reporting period. If you had an acting CEO at the time, you should report them as the CEO. If you had no acting CEO, please contact the Commission.

There are several reasons why you might have more than one active employee at level 0:

  • Your organisation may have inadvertently included non-employees (such as board members) in your employee dataset. We encourage you to review your data in case this issue is a symptom of a larger error.
  • Your organisation may not have completed the 'Active' field correctly. You should check that you have entered N (No) for people who were no longer employed at the end of the audit reporting period, including former CEOs.
  • Your organisation may genuinely have multiple CEOs or equivalents. Please refer to the progress audit handbook to check that all these people meet the Gender Equality Act's definition of an employee. If you genuinely had more than one CEO, please contact the Commission.

After you revise your data, the reporting platform's Data Quality Review report can help you confirm you've addressed this issue. To view it, log into the reporting platform and navigate to Reports > Review.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • who counts and doesn't count as an employee;
  • the data specification for the 'Level' field; and
  • the data specification for the 'Active' field.

E_08 My organisation has not used the Recruited value M for any purpose other than Machinery of Government changes

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Recruited' field should contain a code to indicate whether each person was recruited during the audit reporting period.

There is a special code M available for use by Victorian public service (VPS) departments. This code is used for employees that were transferred into the organisation due to a machinery of government change.

The Commission checks that you haven't used this code unless your organisation is a VPS department. This helps ensure you haven't made mistakes when preparing your recruitment data.

Advice on rule E_08

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action. When your data is published to our Insights Portal, some sections will display the message 'Suitable data not supplied'.

If your organisation was genuinely affected by a Machinery of Government change, please contact the Commission.

If you revise your submission, the reporting platform's Data Quality Review report can help you confirm you've addressed this issue. To view it, log into the reporting platform and navigate to Reports > Review.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • who counts and doesn't count as an employee; and
  • the data specification for the 'Recruited' field.

E_09 My organisation has not used the Exited value M for any purpose other than Machinery of Government changes

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Exited' field should contain a code to indicate whether each person was recruited during the audit reporting period.

There is a special code M available for use by Victorian public service (VPS) departments. This code is used for employees that were transferred out of the organisation due to a machinery of government change.

The Commission checks that you haven't used this code unless your organisation is a VPS department. This helps ensure you haven't made mistakes when preparing your exits data.

Advice on rule E_09

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action. When your data is published to our Insights Portal, some sections will display the message 'Suitable data not supplied'.

If your organisation was genuinely affected by a Machinery of Government change, please contact the Commission.

If you revise your submission, the reporting platform's Data Quality Review report can help you confirm you've addressed this issue. To view it, log into the reporting platform and navigate to Reports > Review.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • who counts and doesn't count as an employee; and
  • the data specification for the 'Exited' field.

E_10 My organisation has used no more than 3 unique values for workforce group

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. In 2023, organisations have the option to segment their employees into multiple distinct workforces using the 'Workforce group' field.

If the workforce groups you designate meet the specifications listed in the progress audit handbook, they may be included in future research, reports and publications that include your organisation's audit results.

The Commission checks that you have used no more than 3 unique group names. This helps ensure the Commission will be able to use your workforce groups in future research, reports and publications.

Advice on rule E_10

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission may exclude some of your audit data from future publications if you do not take action.

Our Insights Portal doesn't currently support workforce group segmentation, but we hope to add this feature later.

If this is important to your organisation, we recommend merging some of your existing groups or reclassifying your employees into 3 or fewer groups. This will help ensure the Commission can publish your workforce groups later.

If your organisation prefers to use the 'Workforce group' field in a different way, that's fine. However, it may mean that your workforce group data is excluded from future publications.

If you revise your submission, the reporting platform's Data Quality Review report can help you confirm you've addressed this issue. To view it, log into the reporting platform and navigate to Reports > Review.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • who counts and doesn't count as an employee; and
  • the data specification for the 'Workforce group' field.

E_11 If workforce groups have been provided, all employees have been assigned to a workforce group

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. In 2023, organisations have the option to segment their employees into multiple distinct workforces using the 'Workforce group' field.

If the workforce groups you designate meet the specifications listed in the progress audit handbook, they may be included in future research, reports and publications that include your organisation's audit results.

The Commission checks that you have either assigned every employee to a workforce group, or left this field blank for all employees. This helps ensure the Commission will be able to use your workforce groups in future research, reports and publications.

Advice on rule E_11

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission may exclude some of your audit data from future publications if you do not take action.

Our Insights Portal doesn't currently support workforce group segmentation, but we hope to add this feature later.

If this is important to your organisation, we recommend assigning every employee to a workforce group. This will help ensure the Commission can publish your workforce groups later.

If your organisation prefers to use the 'Workforce group' field in a different way, that's fine. However, it may mean that your workforce group data is excluded from future publications.

If you revise your submission, the reporting platform's Data Quality Review report can help you confirm you've addressed this issue. To view it, log into the reporting platform and navigate to Reports > Review.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • who counts and doesn't count as an employee; and
  • the data specification for the 'Workforce group' field.

E_12 If workforce groups have been provided, each workforce group includes at least 10 active employees

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. In 2023, organisations have the option to segment their employees into multiple distinct workforces using the 'Workforce group' field.

If the workforce groups you designate meet the specifications listed in the progress audit handbook, they may be included in future research, reports and publications that include your organisation's audit results.

The Commission checks that each of your workforce group includes at least 10 active employees. This helps ensure the Commission will be able to use your workforce groups in future research, reports and publications.

Advice on rule E_12

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission may exclude some of your audit data from future publications if you do not take action.

Our Insights Portal doesn't currently support workforce group segmentation, but we hope to add this feature later.

If this is important to your organisation, we recommend merging some of your existing groups or reclassifying your employees into groups of 10 or more active employees. This will help ensure the Commission can publish your workforce groups later.

If your organisation prefers to use the 'Workforce group' field in a different way, that's fine. However, it may mean that your workforce group data is excluded from future publications.

If you revise your submission, the reporting platform's Data Quality Review report can help you confirm you've addressed this issue. To view it, log into the reporting platform and navigate to Reports > Review.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • who counts and doesn't count as an active employee; and
  • the data specification for the 'Workforce group' field.

E_13 My organisation has disaggregated its employees by occupation code

The Gender Equality Act establishes seven workplace gender equality indicators. One of these indicators requires analysis of gendered segregation within the workforce. To facilitate this analysis, you need to classify your active employees by their occupation.

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Occupation code' field should contain a code to indicate the occupation of each active employee.

The Commission checks that you have reported employees in more than one occupation group. This helps ensure you have adequate data to support a gendered segregation analysis.

Advice on rule E_13

If you haven't disaggregated your employees by occupation, the Commission can't assess whether you've made progress on the workplace gender equality indicators. You will be asked to address this issue and resubmit your audit.

Industry-specific guidance is available to help you assign occupation codes to your employees consistently and efficiently:

The occupation codes we accept are the same as those accepted by the Victorian Public Sector Commission (VPSC) and the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA). Unless your organisation is a council, it most likely participates in annual reporting to one of these organisations. We recommend that organisations allocate both tasks to the same team, or ensure clear communication between those responsible for each task. This can reduce double handling of fields shared across both collections.

If your organisation is unable to classify its employees using the available guidance, the Commission will accept data using the following simplified classifications:

  • 100000 – Managers
  • 200000 – Professionals
  • 300000 – Technicians and Trades Workers
  • 400000 – Community and Personal Service Workers
  • 500000 – Clerical and Administrative Workers
  • 600000 – Sales Workers
  • 700000 – Machinery Operators and Drivers
  • 800000 – Labourers

After you revise your data, the reporting platform's Data Quality Review report can help you confirm you've addressed this issue. To view it, log into the reporting platform and navigate to Reports > Review.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • who counts and doesn't count as an active employee; and
  • the data specification for the 'Occupation code' field.

E_14 My organisation has used the occupation code 099888 for inactive employees only

The Gender Equality Act establishes seven workplace gender equality indicators. One of these indicators requires analysis of gendered segregation within the workforce. To facilitate this analysis, you need to classify your active employees by their occupation.

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Occupation code' field should contain a code to indicate the occupation of each active employee.

There is a special code 099888 to use if you are unable to map an employee to an occupation code. This code can also be used for inactive employees.

The Commission checks that you have assigned a meaningful occupation code to each active employee. This helps ensure you have adequate data to support a gendered segregation analysis.

Advice on rule E_14

You are not required to address this issue. However, we encourage you to review your data in case this issue is a symptom of a larger error.

Industry-specific guidance is available to help you assign occupation codes to your employees consistently and efficiently:

The occupation codes we accept are the same as those accepted by the Victorian Public Sector Commission (VPSC) and the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA). Unless your organisation is a council, it most likely participates in annual reporting to one of these organisations. We recommend that organisations allocate both tasks to the same team, or ensure clear communication between those responsible for each task. This can reduce double handling of fields shared across both collections.

If your organisation is unable to classify its employees using the available guidance, the Commission will accept data using the following simplified classifications:

  • 100000 – Managers
  • 200000 – Professionals
  • 300000 – Technicians and Trades Workers
  • 400000 – Community and Personal Service Workers
  • 500000 – Clerical and Administrative Workers
  • 600000 – Sales Workers
  • 700000 – Machinery Operators and Drivers
  • 800000 – Labourers

If you revise your submission, the reporting platform's Data Quality Review report can help you confirm you've addressed this issue. To view it, log into the reporting platform and navigate to Reports > Review.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • who counts and doesn't count as an active employee; and
  • the data specification for the 'Occupation code' field.

E_15 My organisation has used the base salary value -999999 for inactive employees only

The Gender Equality Act establishes seven workplace gender equality indicators. One of these indicators requires analysis of remuneration. To facilitate this analysis, you need to determine the base salary for each of your active employees. There is a special code -999999 available for use for inactive employees only.

The Commission checks that you have reported a meaningful base salary for each active employee. This helps ensure you have adequate data to support a pay equity analysis.

Advice on rule E_15

If you've provided incomplete base salary data, the Commission can't assess whether you've made progress on the workplace gender equality indicators. You will be asked to address this issue and resubmit your audit.

There are several reasons why you might be receiving this feedback:

  • You may have inadvertently marked an inactive employee as active.
  • You may have inadvertently used the code -999999 for an active employee.

After you revise your data, the reporting platform's Data Quality Review report can help you confirm you've addressed this issue. To view it, log into the reporting platform and navigate to Reports > Review.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • who counts and doesn't count as an employee;
  • the data specification for the 'Base salary' field; and
  • the data specification for the 'Active' field.

E_16 My organisation has provided base salary values in the expected range for active employees

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Base salary' field should contain each employee's full-time equivalent annualised salary, as at the end of the audit reporting period.

An employee's base salary should not be lower than what someone would earn in a year working full-time on the national minimum wage. This equates to about $40,000 in 2023.

Additionally, an employee's total remuneration should not be lower than their base salary. The 'Total remuneration' field should contain each employee's full-time equivalent annualised salary, plus any other payments made to the employee during the audit reporting period.

Organisations don't need to provide base salary for inactive employees. There is a special code -999999 available for use for inactive employees only.

The Commission checks that you have reported a meaningful base salary value for each active employee, that each employee's base salary is at least $40,000, and that each employee's total remuneration is greater than or equal to their base salary. This helps ensure you have correctly calculated each employee's base salary.

Advice on rule E_16

You are not required to address this issue. However, we encourage you to review your data in case this issue is a symptom of a larger error.

There are several reasons why you might be receiving this feedback:

  • You may have trainees or apprentices who are genuinely paid below the minimum wage. If a situation like this applies to all your employees who were paid less than $40,000, please contact the Commission.
  • You may not have correctly converted each employee's pay to an annualised full-time equivalent.
  • You may not have correctly calculated each employee's total remuneration from their base salary.
  • You may have inadvertently marked an inactive employee as active.
  • You may have inadvertently used the code -999999 for an active employee.

If you revise your submission, the reporting platform's Data Quality Review report can help you confirm you've addressed this issue. To view it, log into the reporting platform and navigate to Reports > Review.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • who counts and doesn't count as an employee;
  • the data specification for the 'Base salary' field; and
  • the data specification for the 'Active' field.

E_17 My organisation has used the total remuneration value -999999 for inactive employees only

The Gender Equality Act establishes seven workplace gender equality indicators. One of these indicators requires analysis of remuneration. To facilitate this analysis, you need to determine total remuneration for each of your active employees. There is a special code -999999 available for use for inactive employees only.

The Commission checks that you have reported a meaningful total remuneration value for each active employee. This helps ensure you have adequate data to support a pay equity analysis.

Advice on rule E_17

If you've provided incomplete total remuneration data, the Commission can't assess whether you've made progress on the workplace gender equality indicators. You will be asked to address this issue and resubmit your audit.

There are several reasons why you might be receiving this feedback:

  • You may have inadvertently marked an inactive employee as active.
  • You may have inadvertently used the code -999999 for an active employee.

After you revise your data, the reporting platform's Data Quality Review report can help you confirm you've addressed this issue. To view it, log into the reporting platform and navigate to Reports > Review.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • who counts and doesn't count as an employee;
  • the data specification for the 'Total remuneration' field; and
  • the data specification for the 'Active' field.

E_18 My organisation has provided total remuneration values that are greater than or equal to base salary

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Total remuneration' field should contain each employee's full-time equivalent annualised salary, plus any other payments made to the employee during the audit reporting period. An employee's total remuneration should not be lower than their base salary.

The Commission checks that each employee's total remuneration is greater than or equal to their base salary. This helps ensure you have correctly calculated each employee's total remuneration, starting from their base salary.

Advice on rule E_18

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action. When your data is published to our Insights Portal, some sections will display the message 'Suitable data not supplied'.

A common reason why organisations receive this feedback is that they reported actual pay in the 'Total remuneration' field. This doesn't meet the Commission's definition of total remuneration.

To calculate an employee's total remuneration, you need to convert the base salary component of their pay package to an annualised full-time equivalent. You should also convert certain other payments (such as superannuation) to an annualised full-time equivalent. Please refer to the progress audit handbook for more information.

If you revise your submission, the reporting platform's Data Quality Review report can help you confirm you've addressed this issue. To view it, log into the reporting platform and navigate to Reports > Review.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • who counts and doesn't count as an employee;
  • the data specification for the 'Base salary' field;
  • the data specification for the 'Total remuneration' field; and
  • the data specification for the 'Active' field.

E_19 If provided, weekly pay values are in the expected range

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Weekly pay' field should contain an estimate of an employee's base rate of pay for one week of work at full-time hours, as at the end of the audit reporting period.

An employee's weekly pay should not be lower than what someone would earn in a week working full-time on the national minimum wage. This equates to about $800 in 2023.

The Commission checks that each employee's weekly pay is at least $800. This helps ensure you have correctly converted each employee's pay to a full-time equivalent.

Advice on rule E_19

You are not required to address this issue. However, we encourage you to review your data in case this issue is a symptom of a larger error.

There are several reasons why you might be receiving this feedback:

  • You may have trainees or apprentices who are genuinely paid below the minimum wage. If a situation like this applies to all your employees who were paid less than $800 per week, please contact the Commission.
  • You may not have correctly converted each employee's pay to a full-time equivalent.

If you revise your submission, the reporting platform's Data Quality Review report can help you confirm you've addressed this issue. To view it, log into the reporting platform and navigate to Reports > Review.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • who counts and doesn't count as an employee;
  • the data specification for the 'Weekly pay' field; and
  • the data specification for the 'Active' field.

E_20 For employees using more than one type of formal flexible work, my organisation has not included 'Data unavailable' in any value lists

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Formal flexible work type' field should contain a code to indicate the type(s) of flexible work each employee uses. If an employee uses more than one kind of flexible work arrangement, you should format the selections as a list delimited with vertical bars like this: A|B|C

The value 'Data unavailable' should only be used if your organisation can't provide flexible work type data at this time. If you've provided a list of flexible work types for an employee, it wouldn't make sense for one of those values to be 'Data unavailable'.

The Commission checks that lists of flexible work type codes do not include the value 'Data unavailable'. This helps ensure you haven't made mistakes when preparing your flexible work data.

Advice on rule E_20

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

To avoid this, you should remove the value 'Data unavailable' from any lists of flexible work types.

If you revise your submission, the reporting platform's Data Quality Review report can help you confirm you've addressed this issue. To view it, log into the reporting platform and navigate to Reports > Review.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • who does and doesn't count as an employee; and
  • the data specification for the 'Formal flexible work type' field.

E_21 My organisation has provided de-identified unique reference values

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Unique reference' field should contain a number or code that uniquely identifies each person within your dataset.

Best practice is to assign a randomised identifier to each employee specifically for use in the audit dataset. Organisations should maintain a secure record which maps each unique reference to existing employee records (such as names or employee IDs). This approach helps your organisation manage the risk of re-identification. Someone would need access to both the audit dataset and the secure mapping record in order to identify individual employees.

The Commission checks that you haven't used identifiable information (such as names) in your unique reference values.

Advice on rule E_21

If you've used potentially identifiable values in the 'Unique reference' field, it raises the risk profile of your submission. You will be asked to address this issue and resubmit your audit.

If your unique reference values are genuinely randomised, please contact the Commission.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • who counts and doesn't count as an employee; and
  • the data specification for the 'Unique reference' field.

E_22 My organisation has provided workforce group values that are suitable for publication

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. In 2023, organisations have the option to segment their employees into multiple distinct workforces using the 'Workforce group' field.

If the workforce groups you designate meet the specifications listed in the progress audit handbook, they may be included in future research, reports and publications that include your organisation's audit results.

The Commission checks that you have used group names that would make sense to all audiences. This helps ensure the Commission will be able to use your workforce groups in future research, reports and publications.

Advice on rule E_22

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

Our Insights Portal doesn't currently support workforce group segmentation, but we hope to add this feature later.

If this is important to your organisation, we recommend revising your workforce group descriptions to remove abbreviations and typos. This will help ensure the Commission can publish your workforce groups later.

If your organisation prefers to use the 'Workforce group' field in a different way, that's fine. However, it may mean that your workforce group data is excluded from future publications.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • who counts and doesn't count as an employee; and
  • the data specification for the 'Workforce group' field.

E_23 My organisation has a normal number of employees who declined to provide their gender

The Gender Equality Act requires audits to be based on gender-disaggregated data. To show progress on the workplace gender equality indicators, you need to conduct a gendered analysis.

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Gender' field should contain a code to indicate the gender of each employee. One of the available codes is P, which designates someone who did not disclose their gender.

The Commission checks that you were able to provide gender data for most of your employees. This helps ensure you have adequate data to support a gendered analysis.

Advice on rule E_23

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you are unable to provide more data. When your data is published to our Insights Portal, some sections will display the message 'Suitable data not supplied'.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • who counts and doesn't count as an employee; and
  • the data specification for the 'Gender' field.

E_24 My organisation has assigned a level between 0 and -15 to each employee

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Level' field should contain a number to indicate the level of each employee.

We ask organisations to assign a level to every employee, ranging from 0 to -15.

Due to a reporting platform bug, organisations were able to submit data with level values ranging from -16 to -30. The Commission checks that you have not used these values in your data. This is to ensure our reports will be able to display your audit results correctly.

Advice on rule E_24

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • who counts and doesn't count as an employee; and
  • the data specification for the 'Level' field.

E_25 My organisation has entered a Career Development Training value for every employee

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Career development training' field should contain a code to indicate whether each person participated in career development training.

We ask organisations to enter a code for every employee, rather than leaving the field blank. Organisations should use the code DU to signify that this information is not available.

Due to a reporting platform bug, organisations were able to submit data with blanks in this field. The Commission checks that you have entered a value in this field for every employee. This is to ensure our reports will be able to display your audit results correctly.

Advice on rule E_25

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action. When your data is published to our Insights Portal, some sections will display the message 'Suitable data not supplied'.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • who counts and doesn't count as an employee; and
  • the data specification for the 'Career development training' field.

E_26 My organisation has provided total remuneration values in the expected range for active employees

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. Total remuneration should be calculated as each employee's full-time equivalent annualised salary, plus any other payments made to the employee during the audit reporting period. An employee's total remuneration should not be lower than their base salary.

Organisations don't need to provide total remuneration for inactive employees. There is a special code -999999 available for use for inactive employees only.

The Commission checks that you have reported a meaningful total remuneration value for each active employee, and that each employee's total remuneration is greater than or equal to their base salary.

Advice on rule E_26

You are not required to address this issue. However, we encourage you to review your data in case this issue is a symptom of a larger error.

There are several reasons why you might be receiving this feedback:

  • You may not have correctly calculated each employee's total remuneration from their base salary.
  • You may have inadvertently marked an inactive employee as active.
  • You may have inadvertently used the code -999999 for an active employee.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • who counts and doesn't count as an employee;
  • the data specification for the 'Base salary' field;
  • the data specification for the 'Total remuneration' field; and
  • the data specification for the 'Active' field;

E_27 My organisation has provided meaningful remuneration data for all active employees

The Gender Equality Act establishes seven workplace gender equality indicators. One of these indicators requires analysis of remuneration. To facilitate this analysis, you need to determine base salary and total remuneration for each of your active employees. There is a special code -999999 available for use for inactive employees only.

The Commission checks that you have reported meaningful remuneration data for each active employee. This helps ensure you have adequate data to support a pay equity analysis.

Advice on rule E_27

If you've provided incomplete pay data, the Commission can't assess whether you've made progress on the workplace gender equality indicators. You will be asked to address this issue and resubmit your audit.

There are several reasons why you might be receiving this feedback:

  • You may have inadvertently marked an inactive employee as active.
  • You may have inadvertently used the value 999999 for an active employee.
  • You may have entered the same remuneration value for every employee.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • who counts and doesn't count as an employee;
  • the data specification for the 'Base salary' field;
  • the data specification for the 'Total remuneration' field; and
  • the data specification for the 'Active' field;

E_28 My organisation has included all employees in its data

Section 3 of the Gender Equality Act defines an employee as follows:

an employee, of a defined entity, means a person employed by the defined entity on a full-time, part-time, casual or fixed term basis (including an apprentice or trainee) but does not include—
(a) a contractor or subcontractor; or
(b) an outworker; or
(c) a person on a vocational placement; or
(d) a student gaining work experience; or
(e) a volunteer.

The Commission reviews your data commentary for evidence that any employees have been excluded.

Advice on rule E_28

If employees are missing from your dataset, the Commission can't assess whether you've made progress on the workplace gender equality indicators. You will be asked to address this issue and resubmit your audit.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • who counts and doesn't count as an employee.

E_29 My organisation has included only valid employees in its employee data

Section 3 of the Gender Equality Act defines an employee as follows:

an employee, of a defined entity, means a person employed by the defined entity on a full-time, part-time, casual or fixed term basis (including an apprentice or trainee) but does not include—
(a) a contractor or subcontractor; or
(b) an outworker; or
(c) a person on a vocational placement; or
(d) a student gaining work experience; or
(e) a volunteer.

The Commission reviews your data commentary for evidence that any non-employees have been included.

Advice on rule E_29

If you've included non-employees in your employee dataset, the Commission can't assess whether you've made progress on the workplace gender equality indicators. You will be asked to address this issue and resubmit your audit.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • who counts and doesn't count as an employee.

E_DG_01 My organisation's employee dataset includes Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander status

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander' data field is available to use, but it's not required.

The Commission checks whether your organisation made use of this optional field.

E_DG_02 My organisation's employee dataset includes age data

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Age' data field is available to use, but it's not required.

The Commission checks whether your organisation made use of this optional field.

E_DG_03 My organisation's employee dataset includes cultural identity data

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Cultural identity' data field is available to use, but it's not required.

The Commission checks whether your organisation made use of this optional field.

E_DG_04 My organisation's employee dataset includes disability status data

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Disability' data field is available to use, but it's not required.

The Commission checks whether your organisation made use of this optional field.

E_DG_05 My organisation's employee dataset includes religion data

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Religion' data field is available to use, but it's not required.

The Commission checks whether your organisation made use of this optional field.

E_DG_06 My organisation's employee dataset includes sexual orientation data

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Sexual orientation' data field is available to use, but it's not required.

The Commission checks whether your organisation made use of this optional field.

E_DG_07 My organisation's employee dataset includes full-time equivalent (FTE) data

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Full-time equivalent (FTE)' data field is available to use, but it's not required.

The Commission checks whether your organisation made use of this optional field.

E_DG_08 My organisation's employee dataset includes employee type data

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Employee type' data field is available to use, but it's not required.

The Commission checks whether your organisation made use of this optional field.

E_DG_09 My organisation's employee dataset includes recruitments data

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Recruitments' data field is available to use, but it's not required.

The Commission checks whether your organisation made use of this optional field.

E_DG_10 My organisation's employee dataset includes exits data

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Exited' data field is available to use, but it's not required.

The Commission checks whether your organisation made use of this optional field.

E_DG_11 My organisation's employee dataset includes home postcode data

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Home postcode' data field is available to use, but it's not required.

The Commission checks whether your organisation made use of this optional field.

E_DG_12 My organisation's employee dataset includes weekly pay data

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Weekly pay' data field is available to use, but it's not required.

The Commission checks whether your organisation made use of this optional field.

E_DG_13 My organisation's employee dataset includes promotions data

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Promoted' data field is available to use, but it's not required.

The Commission checks whether your organisation made use of this optional field.

E_DG_14 My organisation's employee dataset includes career development training data

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Career development training' data field is available to use, but it's not required.

The Commission checks whether your organisation made use of this optional field.

E_DG_15 My organisation's employee dataset includes higher duties data

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Higher duties' data field is available to use, but it's not required.

The Commission checks whether your organisation made use of this optional field.

E_DG_16 My organisation's employee dataset includes internal secondment data

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Internal secondment' data field is available to use, but it's not required.

The Commission checks whether your organisation made use of this optional field.

E_DG_17 My organisation's employee dataset includes formal flexible work arrangement data

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Formal flexible work arrangement' data field is available to use, but it's not required.

The Commission checks whether your organisation made use of this optional field.

E_DG_18 My organisation's employee dataset includes formal flexible work type data

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Formal flexible work type' data field is available to use, but it's not required.

The Commission checks whether your organisation made use of this optional field.

E_DG_19 My organisation's employee dataset includes paid parental leave data

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Weeks of paid parental leave' data field is available to use, but it's not required.

The Commission checks whether your organisation made use of this optional field.

E_DG_20 My organisation's employee dataset includes unpaid parental leave data

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Weeks of unpaid parental leave' data field is available to use, but it's not required.

The Commission checks whether your organisation made use of this optional field.

E_DG_21 My organisation's employee dataset includes parental leave exit type data

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Parental leave exit type' data field is available to use, but it's not required.

The Commission checks whether your organisation made use of this optional field.

E_DG_22 My organisation's employee dataset includes carers leave data

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Accessed carers leave' data field is available to use, but it's not required.

The Commission checks whether your organisation made use of this optional field.

E_ID_01 My organisation's employee dataset includes Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander status for most employees

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander' data field is available to use, but it's not required. Organisations may have this data available for some employees but not others.

The Commission checks whether your organisation had this data available for 80% of your workforce or more.

Advice on rule E_ID_01

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you are unable to provide more data.

E_ID_02 My organisation's employee dataset includes age data for most employees

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Age' data field is available to use, but it's not required. Organisations may have this data available for some employees but not others.

The Commission checks whether your organisation had this data available for 80% of your workforce or more.

Advice on rule E_ID_02

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you are unable to provide more data.

E_ID_03 My organisation's employee dataset includes cultural identity data for most employees

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Cultural identity' data field is available to use, but it's not required. Organisations may have this data available for some employees but not others.

The Commission checks whether your organisation had this data available for 80% of your workforce or more.

Advice on rule E_ID_03

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you are unable to provide more data.

E_ID_04 My organisation's employee dataset includes disability status data for most employees

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Disability' data field is available to use, but it's not required. Organisations may have this data available for some employees but not others.

The Commission checks whether your organisation had this data available for 80% of your workforce or more.

Advice on rule E_ID_04

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you are unable to provide more data.

E_ID_05 My organisation's employee dataset includes religion data for most employees

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Religion' data field is available to use, but it's not required. Organisations may have this data available for some employees but not others.

The Commission checks whether your organisation had this data available for 80% of your workforce or more.

Advice on rule E_ID_05

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you are unable to provide more data.

E_ID_06 My organisation's employee dataset includes sexual orientation data for most employees

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Sexual orientation' data field is available to use, but it's not required. Organisations may have this data available for some employees but not others.

The Commission checks whether your organisation had this data available for 80% of your workforce or more.

Advice on rule E_ID_06

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you are unable to provide more data.

E_ID_07 My organisation's employee dataset includes full-time equivalent (FTE) data for most employees

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Full-time equivalent (FTE)' data field is available to use, but it's not required. Organisations may have this data available for some employees but not others.

The Commission checks whether your organisation had this data available for 80% of your workforce or more.

Advice on rule E_ID_07

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you are unable to provide more data.

E_ID_08 My organisation's employee dataset includes employee type data for most employees

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Employee type' data field is available to use, but it's not required. Organisations may have this data available for some employees but not others.

The Commission checks whether your organisation had this data available for 80% of your workforce or more.

Advice on rule E_ID_08

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you are unable to provide more data.

E_ID_09 My organisation's employee dataset includes recruitments data for most employees

This is the detailed description for E_ID_09

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Recruited' data field is available to use, but it's not required. Organisations may have this data available for some employees but not others.

The Commission checks whether your organisation had this data available for 80% of your workforce or more.

Advice on rule E_ID_09

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you are unable to provide more data. When your data is published to our Insights Portal, some sections will display the message 'Suitable data not supplied'.

E_ID_10 My organisation's employee dataset includes exits data for most employees

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Exited' data field is available to use, but it's not required. Organisations may have this data available for some employees but not others.

The Commission checks whether your organisation had this data available for 80% of your workforce or more.

Advice on rule E_ID_10

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you are unable to provide more data. When your data is published to our Insights Portal, some sections will display the message 'Suitable data not supplied'.

E_ID_11 My organisation's employee dataset includes home postcode data for most employees

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Home postcode' data field is available to use, but it's not required. Organisations may have this data available for some employees but not others.

The Commission checks whether your organisation had this data available for 80% of your workforce or more.

Advice on rule E_ID_11

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you are unable to provide more data.

E_ID_12 My organisation's employee dataset includes weekly pay data for most active employees

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Weekly pay' data field is available to use, but it's not required. Organisations may have this data available for some employees but not others.

The Commission checks whether your organisation had this data available for 80% of your active workforce or more.

Advice on rule E_ID_12

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you are unable to provide more data.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topics such as:

  • the data specification for the 'Weekly pay' field; and
  • the data specification for the 'Active' field.

E_ID_13 My organisation's employee dataset includes promotions data for most employees

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Promoted' data field is available to use, but it's not required. Organisations may have this data available for some employees but not others.

The Commission checks whether your organisation had this data available for 80% of your workforce or more.

Advice on rule E_ID_13

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you are unable to provide more data. When your data is published to our Insights Portal, some sections will display the message 'Suitable data not supplied'.

E_ID_14 My organisation's employee dataset includes career development training data for most employees

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Career development training' data field is available to use, but it's not required. Organisations may have this data available for some employees but not others.

The Commission checks whether your organisation had this data available for 80% of your workforce or more.

Advice on rule E_ID_14

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you are unable to provide more data. When your data is published to our Insights Portal, some sections will display the message 'Suitable data not supplied'.

E_ID_15 My organisation's employee dataset includes higher duties data for most employees

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Higher duties' data field is available to use, but it's not required. Organisations may have this data available for some employees but not others.

The Commission checks whether your organisation had this data available for 80% of your workforce or more.

Advice on rule E_ID_15

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you are unable to provide more data. When your data is published to our Insights Portal, some sections will display the message 'Suitable data not supplied'.

E_ID_16 My organisation's employee dataset includes internal secondment data for most employees

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Internal secondment' data field is available to use, but it's not required. Organisations may have this data available for some employees but not others.

The Commission checks whether your organisation had this data available for 80% of your workforce or more.

Advice on rule E_ID_16

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you are unable to provide more data. When your data is published to our Insights Portal, some sections will display the message 'Suitable data not supplied'.

E_ID_17 My organisation's employee dataset includes formal flexible work arrangement data for most active employees

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Formal flexible work arrangement' data field is available to use, but it's not required. Organisations may have this data available for some employees but not others.

The Commission checks whether your organisation had this data available for 80% of your active workforce or more.

Advice on rule E_ID_17

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you are unable to provide more data. When your data is published to our Insights Portal, some sections will display the message 'Suitable data not supplied'.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topics such as:

  • the data specification for the 'Formal flexible work arrangement' field; and
  • the data specification for the 'Active' field.

E_ID_18 My organisation's employee dataset includes formal flexible work type data for most active employees

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Formal flexible work type' data field is available to use, but it's not required. Organisations may have this data available for some employees but not others.

The Commission checks whether your organisation had this data available for 80% of your active workforce or more.

Advice on rule E_ID_18

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you are unable to provide more data.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topics such as:

  • the data specification for the 'Formal flexible work type' field; and
  • the data specification for the 'Active' field.

E_ID_19 My organisation's employee dataset includes paid parental leave data for most employees

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Weeks of paid parental leave' data field is available to use, but it's not required. Organisations may have this data available for some employees but not others.

The Commission checks whether your organisation had this data available for 80% of your workforce or more.

Advice on rule E_ID_19

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you are unable to provide more data. When your data is published to our Insights Portal, some sections will display the message 'Suitable data not supplied'.

If you wish to address this issue, check that you've used the code -999999 only when you're unable to determine how much paid parental leave a person took. If an employee did not any paid parental leave ending in the 12-month audit reporting period, enter it as 0.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • who counts and doesn't count as an employee; and
  • the data specification for the 'Weeks of paid parental leave' field.

E_ID_20 My organisation's employee dataset includes unpaid parental leave data for most employees

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Weeks of unpaid parental leave' data field is available to use, but it's not required. Organisations may have this data available for some employees but not others.

The Commission checks whether your organisation had this data available for 80% of your workforce or more.

Advice on rule E_ID_20

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you are unable to provide more data. When your data is published to our Insights Portal, some sections will display the message 'Suitable data not supplied'.

If you wish to address this issue, check that you've used the code -999999 only when you're unable to determine how much unpaid parental leave a person took. If an employee did not any unpaid parental leave ending in the 12-month audit reporting period, enter it as 0.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • who counts and doesn't count as an employee; and
  • the data specification for the 'Weeks of unpaid parental leave' field.

E_ID_21 My organisation's employee dataset includes parental leave exit type data for most employees

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Parental leave exit type' data field is available to use, but it's not required. Organisations may have this data available for some employees but not others.

The Commission checks whether your organisation had this data available for 80% of your workforce or more.

Advice on rule E_ID_21

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you are unable to provide more data.

E_ID_22 My organisation's employee dataset includes carers leave data for most employees

Each row in the employee dataset represents one employee at your organisation. The 'Accessed carers leave' data field is available to use, but it's not required. Organisations may have this data available for some employees but not others.

The Commission checks whether your organisation had this data available for 80% of your workforce or more.

Advice on rule E_ID_22

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you are unable to provide more data.

E_SI_00 My organisation's employee dataset appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule E_SI_00

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action. When your data is published to our Insights Portal, some sections will display the message 'Suitable data not supplied'.

E_SI_01 Within the employee dataset, my organisation's unique reference data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule E_SI_01

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

E_SI_02 Within the employee dataset, my organisation's gender data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule. When your data is published to our Insights Portal, some sections will display the message 'Suitable data not supplied'.

Advice on rule E_SI_02

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

E_SI_03 Within the employee dataset, my organisation's Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule E_SI_03

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

E_SI_04 Within the employee dataset, my organisation's age data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule E_SI_04

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

E_SI_05 Within the employee dataset, my organisation's cultural identity data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule E_SI_05

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

E_SI_06 Within the employee dataset, my organisation's disability status data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule E_SI_06

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

E_SI_07 Within the employee dataset, my organisation's religion data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule E_SI_07

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

E_SI_08 Within the employee dataset, my organisation's sexual orientation data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule E_SI_08

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

E_SI_09 Within the employee dataset, my organisation's employment basis data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule E_SI_09

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action. When your data is published to our Insights Portal, some sections will display the message 'Suitable data not supplied'.

E_SI_10 Within the employee dataset, my organisation's full-time equivalent (FTE) data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule E_SI_10

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

E_SI_11 Within the employee dataset, my organisation's level data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule E_SI_11

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

E_SI_12 Within the employee dataset, my organisation's employee type data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule E_SI_12

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

E_SI_13 Within the employee dataset, my organisation's active data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule E_SI_13

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action. When your data is published to our Insights Portal, some sections will display the message 'Suitable data not supplied'.

E_SI_14 Within the employee dataset, my organisation's recruitments data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule E_SI_14

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action. When your data is published to our Insights Portal, some sections will display the message 'Suitable data not supplied'.

E_SI_15 Within the employee dataset, my organisation's exits data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule E_SI_15

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action. When your data is published to our Insights Portal, some sections will display the message 'Suitable data not supplied'.

E_SI_16 Within the employee dataset, my organisation's workforce group data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule E_SI_16

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

E_SI_17 Within the employee dataset, my organisation's occupation code data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule E_SI_17

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action. When your data is published to our Insights Portal, some sections will display the message 'Suitable data not supplied'.

Industry-specific guidance is available to help you assign occupation codes to your employees consistently and efficiently:

The occupation codes we accept are the same as those accepted by the Victorian Public Sector Commission (VPSC) and the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA). Unless your organisation is a council, it most likely participates in annual reporting to one of these organisations. We recommend that organisations allocate both tasks to the same team, or ensure clear communication between those responsible for each task. This can reduce double handling of fields shared across both collections.

If your organisation is unable to classify its employees using the available guidance, the Commission will accept data using the following simplified classifications:

  • 100000 – Managers
  • 200000 – Professionals
  • 300000 – Technicians and Trades Workers
  • 400000 – Community and Personal Service Workers
  • 500000 – Clerical and Administrative Workers
  • 600000 – Sales Workers
  • 700000 – Machinery Operators and Drivers
  • 800000 – Labourers

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • who counts and doesn't count as an active employee; and
  • the data specification for the 'Occupation code' field.

E_SI_18 Within the employee dataset, my organisation's workplace postcode data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule E_SI_18

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

E_SI_19 Within the employee dataset, my organisation's home postcode data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule E_SI_19

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

E_SI_20 Within the employee dataset, my organisation's base salary data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule E_SI_20

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action. When your data is published to our Insights Portal, some sections will display the message 'Suitable data not supplied'.

E_SI_21 Within the employee dataset, my organisation's total remuneration data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule E_SI_21

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action. When your data is published to our Insights Portal, some sections will display the message 'Suitable data not supplied'.

E_SI_22 Within the employee dataset, my organisation's weekly pay data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule E_SI_22

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

E_SI_23 Within the employee dataset, my organisation's promotions data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule E_SI_23

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action. When your data is published to our Insights Portal, some sections will display the message 'Suitable data not supplied'.

E_SI_24 Within the employee dataset, my organisation's career development training data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule E_SI_24

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action. When your data is published to our Insights Portal, some sections will display the message 'Suitable data not supplied'.

E_SI_25 Within the employee dataset, my organisation's higher duties data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule E_SI_25

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action. When your data is published to our Insights Portal, some sections will display the message 'Suitable data not supplied'.

E_SI_26 Within the employee dataset, my organisation's internal secondment data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule E_SI_26

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action. When your data is published to our Insights Portal, some sections will display the message 'Suitable data not supplied'.

E_SI_27 Within the employee dataset, my organisation's formal flexible work arrangement data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule E_SI_27

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action. When your data is published to our Insights Portal, some sections will display the message 'Suitable data not supplied'.

E_SI_28 Within the employee dataset, my organisation's formal flexible work type data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule E_SI_28

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

E_SI_29 Within the employee dataset, my organisation's paid parental leave data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule E_SI_29

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action. When your data is published to our Insights Portal, some sections will display the message 'Suitable data not supplied'.

E_SI_30 Within the employee dataset, my organisation's unpaid parental leave data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule E_SI_30

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action. When your data is published to our Insights Portal, some sections will display the message 'Suitable data not supplied'.

E_SI_31 Within the employee dataset, my organisation's parental leave exit type data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule E_SI_31

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

E_SI_32 Within the employee dataset, my organisation's carers leave data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule E_SI_32

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

Governing Body Dataset

GB_01 My organisation has provided governing body data if expected

The Gender Equality Act establishes seven workplace gender equality indicators. One of these indicators requires analysis of the gender composition of your organisation's governing body. To facilitate this analysis, the workforce reporting template includes space to record information about each member of your governing body.

A governing body is the most senior group of people governing the operations of an organisation, such as the board, elected councillors (for local government), or executive committee of management.

Most organisations have a governing body. If your organisation has a governing body, each row in the governing body dataset should represent one governing body member.

The Commission checks that you have either:

  • provided governing body data;
  • attested that your organisation has no governing body; or
  • noted that this data is unavailable for some other reason.

Advice on rule GB_01

If you haven't provided governing body data (or attested that your organisation has no governing body), the Commission can't assess whether you've made progress on the workplace gender equality indicators. You will be asked to address this issue and resubmit your audit.

Please contact the Commission if you genuinely have no governing body.

After you revise your data, the reporting platform's Data Quality Review report can help you confirm you've addressed this issue. To view it, log into the reporting platform and navigate to Reports > Review.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • who does and doesn't count as a governing body member; and
  • the data specification for the 'Governing body data availability' field.

GB_02 My organisation has disaggregated its governing body members by governing body member type

Each row in the governing body dataset represents one governing body member at your organisation. The 'Governing body member type' field should contain a code to indicate which governing body member is the chair of the body. This is a mandatory field, so you need to determine the right code for each governing body member.

The Commission checks that you have reported at least one of each type of governing body member. This helps ensure our systems will be able to interpret your submission correctly.

Advice on rule GB_02

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

Please contact the Commission if you genuinely have only chairs or only members.

If you revise your submission, the reporting platform's Data Quality Review report can help you confirm you've addressed this issue. To view it, log into the reporting platform and navigate to Reports > Review.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • who does and doesn't count as a governing body member; and
  • the data specification for the 'Governing body member type' field.

GB_03 My organisation has exactly 1 governing body chair

Each row in the governing body dataset represents one governing body member at your organisation. The 'Governing body member type' field should contain a code to indicate which governing body member is the chair of the body. This is a mandatory field, so you need to determine the right code for each governing body member.

The Commission checks that you have reported exactly one governing body chair. This helps ensure you have included the right group of people in your governing body dataset.

Advice on rule GB_03

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

Please contact the Commission if you genuinely have no governing body chair.

If you revise your submission, the reporting platform's Data Quality Review report can help you confirm you've addressed this issue. To view it, log into the reporting platform and navigate to Reports > Review.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • who does and doesn't count as a governing body member; and
  • the data specification for the 'Governing body member type' field.

GB_04 My organisation has disaggregated its governing body members by gender

The Gender Equality Act requires audits to be based on gender-disaggregated data. To show progress on the workplace gender equality indicators, you need to conduct a gendered analysis.

Each row in the governing body dataset represents one governing body member at your organisation. The 'Gender' field should contain a code to indicate the gender of each governing body member.

The Commission checks that you have reported governing body members in multiple gender groups. This helps ensure you have adequate data to support a gendered analysis.

Advice on rule GB_04

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

Please contact the Commission if all your governing body members are genuinely the same gender.

If you revise your submission, the reporting platform's Data Quality Review report can help you confirm you've addressed this issue. To view it, log into the reporting platform and navigate to Reports > Review.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • who does and doesn't count as a governing body member; and
  • the data specification for the 'Gender' field.

GB_05 For governing body members with more than one cultural identity, my organisation has not included 'Data unavailable' in any value lists

Each row in the governing body dataset represents one governing body member at your organisation. The 'Cultural identity' field should contain a code to indicate each governing body member's cultural identity. If a governing body member has more than one cultural identity, you should format the selections as a list delimited with vertical bars like this: A|B|C

The value 'Data unavailable' should only be used if your organisation can't provide cultural identity data at this time. If you've provided a list of cultural identities for a governing body member, it wouldn't make sense for one of those values to be 'Data unavailable'.

The Commission checks that lists of cultural identity codes do not include the value 'Data unavailable'. This helps ensure you haven't made mistakes when preparing your cultural identity data.

Advice on rule GB_05

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

To avoid this, you should remove the value 'Data unavailable' from any lists of cultural identity values.

If you revise your submission, the reporting platform's Data Quality Review report can help you confirm you've addressed this issue. To view it, log into the reporting platform and navigate to Reports > Review.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • who does and doesn't count as a governing body member; and
  • the data specification for the 'Cultural identity' field.

GB_06 My organisation has included all governing body members in its data

The Gender Equality Act establishes seven workplace gender equality indicators. One of these indicators requires analysis of the gender composition of your organisation's governing body. To facilitate this analysis, the workforce reporting template includes space to record information about each member of your governing body.

A governing body is the most senior group of people governing the operations of an organisation, such as the board, elected councillors (for local government), or executive committee of management.

Most organisations have a governing body. If your organisation has a governing body, each row in the governing body dataset should represent one governing body member.

The Commission reviews your data commentary for evidence that any governing body members have been excluded.

Advice on rule GB_06

If governing body members are missing from your dataset, the Commission can't assess whether you've made progress on the workplace gender equality indicators. You will be asked to address this issue and resubmit your audit.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • who does and doesn't count as a governing body member.

GB_DG_01 If provided, my organisation's governing body dataset includes Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander status data

Each row in the governing body dataset represents one governing body member at your organisation. The 'Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander' data field is available to use, but it's not required.

The Commission checks whether your organisation made use of this optional field.

GB_DG_02 If provided, my organisation's governing body dataset includes age data

Each row in the governing body dataset represents one governing body member at your organisation. The 'Age' data field is available to use, but it's not required.

The Commission checks whether your organisation made use of this optional field.

GB_DG_03 If provided, my organisation's governing body dataset includes cultural identity data

Each row in the governing body dataset represents one governing body member at your organisation. The 'Cultural identity' data field is available to use, but it's not required.

The Commission checks whether your organisation made use of this optional field.

GB_DG_04 If provided, my organisation's governing body dataset includes disability status data

Each row in the governing body dataset represents one governing body member at your organisation. The 'Disability' data field is available to use, but it's not required.

The Commission checks whether your organisation made use of this optional field.

GB_DG_05 If provided, my organisation's governing body dataset includes religion data

Each row in the governing body dataset represents one governing body member at your organisation. The 'Religion' data field is available to use, but it's not required.

The Commission checks whether your organisation made use of this optional field.

GB_DG_06 If provided, my organisation's governing body dataset includes sexual orientation data

Each row in the governing body dataset represents one governing body member at your organisation. The 'Sexual orientation' data field is available to use, but it's not required.

The Commission checks whether your organisation made use of this optional field.

GB_ID_01 If provided, my organisation's governing body dataset includes Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander status data for most governing body members

Each row in the employee dataset represents one governing body member at your organisation. The 'Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander' data field is available to use, but it's not required. Organisations may have this data available for some governing body members but not others.

The Commission checks whether your organisation had this data available for 80% of your governing body or more.

Advice on rule GB_ID_01

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you are unable to provide more data.

GB_ID_02 If provided, my organisation's governing body dataset includes age data for most governing body members

Each row in the employee dataset represents one governing body member at your organisation. The 'Age' data field is available to use, but it's not required. Organisations may have this data available for some governing body members but not others.

The Commission checks whether your organisation had this data available for 80% of your governing body or more.

Advice on rule GB_ID_02

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you are unable to provide more data.

GB_ID_03 If provided, my organisation's governing body dataset includes cultural identity data for most governing body members

Each row in the employee dataset represents one governing body member at your organisation. The 'Age' data field is available to use, but it's not required. Organisations may have this data available for some governing body members but not others.

The Commission checks whether your organisation had this data available for 80% of your governing body or more.

Advice on rule GB_ID_03

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you are unable to provide more data.

GB_ID_04 If provided, my organisation's governing body dataset includes disability status data for most governing body members

Each row in the employee dataset represents one governing body member at your organisation. The 'Age' data field is available to use, but it's not required. Organisations may have this data available for some governing body members but not others.

The Commission checks whether your organisation had this data available for 80% of your governing body or more.

Advice on rule GB_ID_04

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you are unable to provide more data.

GB_ID_05 If provided, my organisation's governing body dataset includes religion data for most governing body members

Each row in the employee dataset represents one governing body member at your organisation. The 'Age' data field is available to use, but it's not required. Organisations may have this data available for some governing body members but not others.

The Commission checks whether your organisation had this data available for 80% of your governing body or more.

Advice on rule GB_ID_05

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you are unable to provide more data.

GB_ID_06 If provided, my organisation's governing body dataset includes sexual orientation data for most governing body members

Each row in the employee dataset represents one governing body member at your organisation. The 'Age' data field is available to use, but it's not required. Organisations may have this data available for some governing body members but not others.

The Commission checks whether your organisation had this data available for 80% of your governing body or more.

Advice on rule GB_ID_06

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you are unable to provide more data.

GB_SI_00 My organisation's governing body dataset appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule GB_SI_00

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

GB_SI_01 Within the governing body dataset, my organisation's member type data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule GB_SI_01

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

GB_SI_02 Within the governing body dataset, my organisation's gender data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule GB_SI_02

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

GB_SI_03 Within the governing body dataset, my organisation's Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander status data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule GB_SI_03

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

GB_SI_04 Within the governing body dataset, my organisation's age data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule GB_SI_04

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

GB_SI_05 Within the governing body dataset, my organisation's cultural identity data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule GB_SI_05

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

GB_SI_06 Within the governing body dataset, my organisation's disability status data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule GB_SI_06

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

GB_SI_07 Within the governing body dataset, my organisation's religion data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule GB_SI_07

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

GB_SI_08 Within the governing body dataset, my organisation's sexual orientation data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule GB_SI_08

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

Sexual Harassment Dataset

SHC_01 My organisation has provided sexual harassment complaint data if expected

The Gender Equality Act establishes seven workplace gender equality indicators. One of these indicators requires analysis of sexual harassment in the workplace. To facilitate this analysis, the workforce reporting template includes space to record information about each formal complaint of sexual harassment.

Add a row to the sexual harassment complaints dataset for each formal complaint registered within the audit reporting period. Capture any complaint related to an incident in your workplace or as a part of external workplace activities.

The Commission checks that you have either:

  • provided sexual harassment complaint data;
  • attested that your organisation had no sexual harassment complaints during the 12-month audit reporting period; or
  • noted that this data is unavailable for some other reason.

Advice on rule SHC_01

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

If you genuinely had no sexual harassment complaints in the reporting period, please contact the Commission.

If you revise your submission, the reporting platform's Data Quality Review report can help you confirm you've addressed this issue. To view it, log into the reporting platform and navigate to Reports > Review.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • what counts as a formal complaint of sexual harassment; and
  • the data specification for the 'Sexual harassment complaints data availability' field.

SHC_02 My organisation has entered 'Data unavailable' in the Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander field for any complaint with multiple complainants

Each row in the sexual harassment complaints dataset represents one formal complaint of sexual harassment at your organisation.

The 'Number of complainants' field is used to capture the number of people who made the complaint. Unless a group of complainants filed a single complaint together, you should enter 1 in this field. The workforce reporting template does not currently support inclusion of demographic data for groups of complainants.

The Commission checks that you have used the value 'Data unavailable' in the 'Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander (Complainant)' field for any complaints with multiple complainants. This helps ensure our systems will be able to interpret your submission correctly.

Advice on rule SHC_02

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

If you revise your submission, the reporting platform's Data Quality Review report can help you confirm you've addressed this issue. To view it, log into the reporting platform and navigate to Reports > Review.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • what counts as a formal complaint of sexual harassment; and
  • the data specification for the 'Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander (Complainant)' field.

SHC_03 My organisation has entered 'Data unavailable' in the Age field for any complaint with multiple complainants

Each row in the sexual harassment complaints dataset represents one formal complaint of sexual harassment at your organisation.

The 'Number of complainants' field is used to capture the number of people who made the complaint. Unless a group of complainants filed a single complaint together, you should enter 1 in this field. The workforce reporting template does not currently support inclusion of demographic data for groups of complainants.

The Commission checks that you have used the value 'Data unavailable' in the 'Age (Complainant)' field for any complaints with multiple complainants. This helps ensure our systems will be able to interpret your submission correctly.

Advice on rule SHC_03

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

If you revise your submission, the reporting platform's Data Quality Review report can help you confirm you've addressed this issue. To view it, log into the reporting platform and navigate to Reports > Review.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • what counts as a formal complaint of sexual harassment; and
  • the data specification for the 'Age (Complainant)' field.

SHC_04 My organisation has entered 'Data unavailable' in the Cultural identity field for any complaint with multiple complainants

Each row in the sexual harassment complaints dataset represents one formal complaint of sexual harassment at your organisation.

The 'Number of complainants' field is used to capture the number of people who made the complaint. Unless a group of complainants filed a single complaint together, you should enter 1 in this field. The workforce reporting template does not currently support inclusion of demographic data for groups of complainants.

The Commission checks that you have used the value 'Data unavailable' in the 'Cultural identity (Complainant)' field for any complaints with multiple complainants. This helps ensure our systems will be able to interpret your submission correctly.

Advice on rule SHC_04

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

If you revise your submission, the reporting platform's Data Quality Review report can help you confirm you've addressed this issue. To view it, log into the reporting platform and navigate to Reports > Review.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • what counts as a formal complaint of sexual harassment; and
  • the data specification for the 'Cultural identity (Complainant)' field.

SHC_05 For sexual harassment complainants with more than one cultural identity, my organisation has not included 'Data unavailable' in any value lists

Each row in the sexual harassment complaints dataset represents one formal complaint of sexual harassment at your organisation. The 'Cultural identity' field should contain a code to indicate each complainant's cultural identity. If a complainant has more than one cultural identity, you should format the selections as a list delimited with vertical bars like this: A|B|C

The value 'Data unavailable' should only be used if your organisation can't provide cultural identity data at this time. If you've provided a list of cultural identities for a complainant, it wouldn't make sense for one of those values to be 'Data unavailable'.

The Commission checks that lists of cultural identity codes do not include the value 'Data unavailable'. This helps ensure you haven't made mistakes when preparing your cultural identity data.

Advice on rule SHC_05

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

To avoid this, you should remove the value 'Data unavailable' from any lists of cultural identity values.

If you revise your submission, the reporting platform's Data Quality Review report can help you confirm you've addressed this issue. To view it, log into the reporting platform and navigate to Reports > Review.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • what counts as a formal complaint of sexual harassment; and
  • the data specification for the 'Cultural identity' field.

SHC_06 My organisation has entered 'Data unavailable' in the Disability status field for any complaint with multiple complainants

Each row in the sexual harassment complaints dataset represents one formal complaint of sexual harassment at your organisation.

The 'Number of complainants' field is used to capture the number of people who made the complaint. Unless a group of complainants filed a single complaint together, you should enter 1 in this field. The workforce reporting template does not currently support inclusion of demographic data for groups of complainants.

The Commission checks that you have used the value 'Data unavailable' in the 'Disability status (Complainant)' field for any complaints with multiple complainants. This helps ensure our systems will be able to interpret your submission correctly.

Advice on rule SHC_06

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

If you revise your submission, the reporting platform's Data Quality Review report can help you confirm you've addressed this issue. To view it, log into the reporting platform and navigate to Reports > Review.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • what counts as a formal complaint of sexual harassment; and
  • the data specification for the 'Disability status (Complainant)' field.

SHC_07 My organisation has entered 'Data unavailable' in the Religion field for any complaint with multiple complainants

Each row in the sexual harassment complaints dataset represents one formal complaint of sexual harassment at your organisation.

The 'Number of complainants' field is used to capture the number of people who made the complaint. Unless a group of complainants filed a single complaint together, you should enter 1 in this field. The workforce reporting template does not currently support inclusion of demographic data for groups of complainants.

The Commission checks that you have used the value 'Data unavailable' in the 'Religion (Complainant)' field for any complaints with multiple complainants. This helps ensure our systems will be able to interpret your submission correctly.

Advice on rule SHC_07

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

If you revise your submission, the reporting platform's Data Quality Review report can help you confirm you've addressed this issue. To view it, log into the reporting platform and navigate to Reports > Review.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • what counts as a formal complaint of sexual harassment; and
  • the data specification for the 'Religion (Complainant)' field.

SHC_08 My organisation has entered 'Data unavailable' in the Sexual orientation field for any complaint with multiple complainants

Each row in the sexual harassment complaints dataset represents one formal complaint of sexual harassment at your organisation.

The 'Number of complainants' field is used to capture the number of people who made the complaint. Unless a group of complainants filed a single complaint together, you should enter 1 in this field. The workforce reporting template does not currently support inclusion of demographic data for groups of complainants.

The Commission checks that you have used the value 'Data unavailable' in the 'Sexual orientation (Complainant)' field for any complaints with multiple complainants. This helps ensure our systems will be able to interpret your submission correctly.

Advice on rule SHC_08

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

If you revise your submission, the reporting platform's Data Quality Review report can help you confirm you've addressed this issue. To view it, log into the reporting platform and navigate to Reports > Review.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • what counts as a formal complaint of sexual harassment; and
  • the data specification for the 'Sexual orientation' field.

SHC_09 For sexual harassment complaints with more than one outcome, my organisation has not included 'Data unavailable' in any value lists

Each row in the sexual harassment complaints dataset represents one formal complaint of sexual harassment at your organisation. The 'Complaint outcomes' field should contain a code to indicate the outcomes of the complaint. If a complainant has more than one outcome, you should format the selections as a list delimited with vertical bars like this: A|B|C

The value 'Data unavailable' should only be used if your organisation can't provide outcome data at this time. If you've provided a list of outcomes for a complaint, it wouldn't make sense for one of those values to be 'Data unavailable'.

The Commission checks that lists of outcome codes do not include the value 'Data unavailable'. This helps ensure you haven't made mistakes when preparing your complaint outcomes data.

Advice on rule SHC_09

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

If you revise your submission, the reporting platform's Data Quality Review report can help you confirm you've addressed this issue. To view it, log into the reporting platform and navigate to Reports > Review.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • what counts as a formal complaint of sexual harassment; and
  • the data specification for the 'Complaint outcomes' field.

SHC_DG_01 If provided, my organisation's sexual harassment complaints dataset includes complainant counts

Each row in the sexual harassment complaints dataset represents one formal complaint of sexual harassment at your organisation. The 'Number of complainants' data field is available to use, but it's not required.

The Commission checks whether your organisation made use of this optional field.

SHC_DG_02 If provided, my organisation's sexual harassment complaints dataset includes complainant gender data

Each row in the sexual harassment complaints dataset represents one formal complaint of sexual harassment at your organisation. The 'Gender (Complainant)' data field is available to use, but it's not required.

The Commission checks whether your organisation made use of this optional field.

SHC_DG_03 If provided, my organisation's sexual harassment complaints dataset includes Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander status data

Each row in the sexual harassment complaints dataset represents one formal complaint of sexual harassment at your organisation. The 'Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander (Complainant)' data field is available to use, but it's not required.

The Commission checks whether your organisation made use of this optional field.

SHC_DG_04 If provided, my organisation's sexual harassment complaints dataset includes age data

Each row in the sexual harassment complaints dataset represents one formal complaint of sexual harassment at your organisation. The 'Age (Complainant)' data field is available to use, but it's not required.

The Commission checks whether your organisation made use of this optional field.

SHC_DG_05 If provided, my organisation's sexual harassment complaints dataset includes cultural identity data

Each row in the sexual harassment complaints dataset represents one formal complaint of sexual harassment at your organisation. The 'Cultural identity (Complainant)' data field is available to use, but it's not required.

The Commission checks whether your organisation made use of this optional field.

SHC_DG_06 If provided, my organisation's sexual harassment complaints dataset includes disability status data

Each row in the sexual harassment complaints dataset represents one formal complaint of sexual harassment at your organisation. The 'Disability status (Complainant)' data field is available to use, but it's not required.

The Commission checks whether your organisation made use of this optional field.

SHC_DG_07 If provided, my organisation's sexual harassment complaints dataset includes religion data

Each row in the sexual harassment complaints dataset represents one formal complaint of sexual harassment at your organisation. The 'Religion (Complainant)' data field is available to use, but it's not required.

The Commission checks whether your organisation made use of this optional field.

SHC_DG_08 If provided, my organisation's sexual harassment complaints dataset includes sexual orientation data

Each row in the sexual harassment complaints dataset represents one formal complaint of sexual harassment at your organisation. The 'Sexual orientation (Complainant)' data field is available to use, but it's not required.

The Commission checks whether your organisation made use of this optional field.

SHC_DG_09 If provided, my organisation's sexual harassment complaints dataset includes complainant type data

Each row in the sexual harassment complaints dataset represents one formal complaint of sexual harassment at your organisation. The 'Complainant type' data field is available to use, but it's not required.

The Commission checks whether your organisation made use of this optional field.

SHC_DG_10 If provided, my organisation's sexual harassment complaints dataset includes complainant relationship to incident data

Each row in the sexual harassment complaints dataset represents one formal complaint of sexual harassment at your organisation. The 'Complainant relationship to incident' data field is available to use, but it's not required.

The Commission checks whether your organisation made use of this optional field.

SHC_DG_11 If provided, my organisation's sexual harassment complaints dataset includes respondent counts

Each row in the sexual harassment complaints dataset represents one formal complaint of sexual harassment at your organisation. The 'Number of respondents' data field is available to use, but it's not required.

The Commission checks whether your organisation made use of this optional field.

SHC_DG_12 If provided, my organisation's sexual harassment complaints dataset includes respondent gender data

Each row in the sexual harassment complaints dataset represents one formal complaint of sexual harassment at your organisation. The 'Gender (Respondent)' data field is available to use, but it's not required.

The Commission checks whether your organisation made use of this optional field.

SHC_DG_13 If provided, my organisation's sexual harassment complaints dataset includes respondent relationship to complainant data

Each row in the sexual harassment complaints dataset represents one formal complaint of sexual harassment at your organisation. The 'Respondent relationship to complainant' data field is available to use, but it's not required.

The Commission checks whether your organisation made use of this optional field.

SHC_DG_14 If provided, my organisation's sexual harassment complaints dataset includes complaint outcomes data

Each row in the sexual harassment complaints dataset represents one formal complaint of sexual harassment at your organisation. The 'Complaint outcomes' data field is available to use, but it's not required.

The Commission checks whether your organisation made use of this optional field.

SHC_DG_15 If provided, my organisation's sexual harassment complaints dataset includes handling method data

Each row in the sexual harassment complaints dataset represents one formal complaint of sexual harassment at your organisation. The 'Handling method' data field is available to use, but it's not required.

The Commission checks whether your organisation made use of this optional field.

SHC_DG_16 If provided, my organisation's sexual harassment complaints dataset includes complainant satisfaction data

Each row in the sexual harassment complaints dataset represents one formal complaint of sexual harassment at your organisation. The 'Complainant satisfaction' data field is available to use, but it's not required.

The Commission checks whether your organisation made use of this optional field.

SHC_ID_01 If provided, my organisation's sexual harassment complaints dataset includes complainant counts for most complaints

Each row in the sexual harassment complaints dataset represents one formal complaint of sexual harassment at your organisation. The 'Number of complainants' data field is available to use, but it's not required. Organisations may have this data available for some complaints but not others.

The Commission checks whether your organisation had this data available for 80% of your complaints or more.

Advice on rule SHC_ID_01

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you are unable to provide more data.

SHC_ID_02 If provided, my organisation's sexual harassment complaints dataset includes complainant gender data for most complaints

Each row in the sexual harassment complaints dataset represents one formal complaint of sexual harassment at your organisation. The 'Gender (Complainant)' data field is available to use, but it's not required. Organisations may have this data available for some complaints but not others.

The Commission checks whether your organisation had this data available for 80% of your complaints or more.

Advice on rule SHC_ID_02

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you are unable to provide more data.

SHC_ID_03 If provided, my organisation's sexual harassment complaints dataset includes Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander status data for most complaints

Each row in the sexual harassment complaints dataset represents one formal complaint of sexual harassment at your organisation. The 'Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander (Complainant)' data field is available to use, but it's not required. Organisations may have this data available for some complaints but not others.

The Commission checks whether your organisation had this data available for 80% of your complaints or more.

Advice on rule SHC_ID_03

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you are unable to provide more data.

SHC_ID_04 If provided, my organisation's sexual harassment complaints dataset includes age data for most complaints

Each row in the sexual harassment complaints dataset represents one formal complaint of sexual harassment at your organisation. The 'Age (Complainant)' data field is available to use, but it's not required. Organisations may have this data available for some complaints but not others.

The Commission checks whether your organisation had this data available for 80% of your complaints or more.

Advice on rule SHC_ID_04

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you are unable to provide more data.

SHC_ID_05 If provided, my organisation's sexual harassment complaints dataset includes cultural identity data for most complaints

Each row in the sexual harassment complaints dataset represents one formal complaint of sexual harassment at your organisation. The 'Cultural identity (Complainant)' data field is available to use, but it's not required. Organisations may have this data available for some complaints but not others.

The Commission checks whether your organisation had this data available for 80% of your complaints or more.

Advice on rule SHC_ID_05

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you are unable to provide more data.

SHC_ID_06 If provided, my organisation's sexual harassment complaints dataset includes disability status data for most complaints

Each row in the sexual harassment complaints dataset represents one formal complaint of sexual harassment at your organisation. The 'Disability status (Complainant)' data field is available to use, but it's not required. Organisations may have this data available for some complaints but not others.

The Commission checks whether your organisation had this data available for 80% of your complaints or more.

Advice on rule SHC_ID_06

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you are unable to provide more data.

SHC_ID_07 If provided, my organisation's sexual harassment complaints dataset includes religion data for most complaints

Each row in the sexual harassment complaints dataset represents one formal complaint of sexual harassment at your organisation. The 'Religion (Complainant)' data field is available to use, but it's not required. Organisations may have this data available for some complaints but not others.

The Commission checks whether your organisation had this data available for 80% of your complaints or more.

Advice on rule SHC_ID_07

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you are unable to provide more data.

SHC_ID_08 If provided, my organisation's sexual harassment complaints dataset includes sexual orientation data for most complaints

Each row in the sexual harassment complaints dataset represents one formal complaint of sexual harassment at your organisation. The 'Sexual orientation (Complainant)' data field is available to use, but it's not required. Organisations may have this data available for some complaints but not others.

The Commission checks whether your organisation had this data available for 80% of your complaints or more.

Advice on rule SHC_ID_08

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you are unable to provide more data.

SHC_ID_09 If provided, my organisation's sexual harassment complaints dataset includes complainant type data for most complaints

Each row in the sexual harassment complaints dataset represents one formal complaint of sexual harassment at your organisation. The 'Complainant type' data field is available to use, but it's not required. Organisations may have this data available for some complaints but not others.

The Commission checks whether your organisation had this data available for 80% of your complaints or more.

Advice on rule SHC_ID_09

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you are unable to provide more data.

SHC_ID_10 If provided, my organisation's sexual harassment complaints dataset includes complainant relationship to incident data for most complaints

Each row in the sexual harassment complaints dataset represents one formal complaint of sexual harassment at your organisation. The 'Complainant relationship to incident' data field is available to use, but it's not required. Organisations may have this data available for some complaints but not others.

The Commission checks whether your organisation had this data available for 80% of your complaints or more.

Advice on rule SHC_ID_10

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you are unable to provide more data.

SHC_ID_11 If provided, my organisation's sexual harassment complaints dataset includes respondent counts for most complaints

Each row in the sexual harassment complaints dataset represents one formal complaint of sexual harassment at your organisation. The 'Number of respondents' data field is available to use, but it's not required. Organisations may have this data available for some complaints but not others.

The Commission checks whether your organisation had this data available for 80% of your complaints or more.

Advice on rule SHC_ID_11

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you are unable to provide more data.

SHC_ID_12 If provided, my organisation's sexual harassment complaints dataset includes respondent gender data for most complaints

Each row in the sexual harassment complaints dataset represents one formal complaint of sexual harassment at your organisation. The 'Gender (Respondent)' data field is available to use, but it's not required. Organisations may have this data available for some complaints but not others.

The Commission checks whether your organisation had this data available for 80% of your complaints or more.

Advice on rule SHC_ID_12

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you are unable to provide more data.

SHC_ID_13 If provided, my organisation's sexual harassment complaints dataset includes respondent relationship to complainant data for most complaints

Each row in the sexual harassment complaints dataset represents one formal complaint of sexual harassment at your organisation. The 'Respondent relationship to complainant' data field is available to use, but it's not required. Organisations may have this data available for some complaints but not others.

The Commission checks whether your organisation had this data available for 80% of your complaints or more.

Advice on rule SHC_ID_13

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you are unable to provide more data.

SHC_ID_14 If provided, my organisation's sexual harassment complaints dataset includes complaint outcomes data for most complaints

Each row in the sexual harassment complaints dataset represents one formal complaint of sexual harassment at your organisation. The 'Complaint outcomes' data field is available to use, but it's not required. Organisations may have this data available for some complaints but not others.

The Commission checks whether your organisation had this data available for 80% of your complaints or more.

Advice on rule SHC_ID_14

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you are unable to provide more data.

SHC_ID_15 If provided, my organisation's sexual harassment complaints dataset includes handling method data for most complaints

Each row in the sexual harassment complaints dataset represents one formal complaint of sexual harassment at your organisation. The 'Handling method' data field is available to use, but it's not required. Organisations may have this data available for some complaints but not others.

The Commission checks whether your organisation had this data available for 80% of your complaints or more.

Advice on rule SHC_ID_15

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you are unable to provide more data.

SHC_ID_16 If provided, my organisation's sexual harassment complaints dataset includes complainant satisfaction data for most complaints

Each row in the sexual harassment complaints dataset represents one formal complaint of sexual harassment at your organisation. The 'Complainant satisfaction' data field is available to use, but it's not required. Organisations may have this data available for some complaints but not others.

The Commission checks whether your organisation had this data available for 80% of your complaints or more.

Advice on rule SHC_ID_16

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you are unable to provide more data.

SHC_SI_00 My organisation's sexual harassment complaints dataset appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule SHC_SI_00

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

SHC_SI_01 Within the sexual harassment complaints dataset, my organisation's complainant counts appear to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule SHC_SI_01

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

SHC_SI_02 Within the sexual harassment complaints dataset, my organisation's complainant gender data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule SHC_SI_02

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

SHC_SI_03 Within the sexual harassment complaints dataset, my organisation's Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander status data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule SHC_SI_03

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

SHC_SI_04 Within the sexual harassment complaints dataset, my organisation's age data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule SHC_SI_04

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

SHC_SI_05 Within the sexual harassment complaints dataset, my organisation's cultural identity data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule SHC_SI_05

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

SHC_SI_06 Within the sexual harassment complaints dataset, my organisation's disability status data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule SHC_SI_06

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

SHC_SI_07 Within the sexual harassment complaints dataset, my organisation's religion data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule SHC_SI_07

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

SHC_SI_08 Within the sexual harassment complaints dataset, my organisation's sexual orientation data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule SHC_SI_08

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

SHC_SI_09 Within the sexual harassment complaints dataset, my organisation's complainant type data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule SHC_SI_09

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

SHC_SI_10 Within the sexual harassment complaints dataset, my organisation's complainant relationship to incident data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule SHC_SI_10

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

SHC_SI_11 Within the sexual harassment complaints dataset, my organisation's respondent counts appear to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule SHC_SI_11

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

SHC_SI_12 Within the sexual harassment complaints dataset, my organisation's respondent gender data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule SHC_SI_12

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

SHC_SI_13 Within the sexual harassment complaints dataset, my organisation's respondent relationship to complainant data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule SHC_SI_13

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

SHC_SI_14 Within the sexual harassment complaints dataset, my organisation's complaint outcomes data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule SHC_SI_14

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

SHC_SI_15 Within the sexual harassment complaints dataset, my organisation's handling method data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule SHC_SI_15

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

SHC_SI_16 Within the sexual harassment complaints dataset, my organisation's complainant satisfaction data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule SHC_SI_16

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

Family Violence Dataset

FVL_01 My organisation has provided family violence leave data if expected

The Gender Equality Act establishes seven workplace gender equality indicators. One of these indicators requires analysis of family violence leave utilisation. To facilitate this analysis, the workforce reporting template includes space to record information about each person who took family violence leave.

Each row of the family violence leave dataset represents one employee who accessed family violence leave at your organisation during the audit reporting period.

The Commission checks that you have either:

  • provided family violence leave taker data;
  • attested that your organisation had no family violence leave takers during the 12-month audit reporting period; or
  • noted that this data is unavailable for some other reason.

Advice on rule FVL_01

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

If you genuinely had no family violence leave takers in the reporting period, please contact the Commission.

If you revise your submission, the reporting platform's Data Quality Review report can help you confirm you've addressed this issue. To view it, log into the reporting platform and navigate to Reports > Review.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • who should be included in your family violence leave dataset; and
  • the data specification for the 'Family violence leave data availability' field.

FVL_02 For family violence leave takers with more than one cultural identity, my organisation has not included 'Data unavailable' in any value lists

Each row in the family violence leave dataset represents one family violence leave taker at your organisation. The 'Cultural identity' field should contain a code to indicate each family violence leave taker's cultural identity. If a family violence leave taker has more than one cultural identity, you should format the selections as a list delimited with vertical bars like this: A|B|C

The value 'Data unavailable' should only be used if your organisation can't provide cultural identity data at this time. If you've provided a list of cultural identities for a family violence leave taker, it wouldn't make sense for one of those values to be 'Data unavailable'.

The Commission checks that lists of cultural identity codes do not include the value 'Data unavailable'. This helps ensure you haven't made mistakes when preparing your cultural identity data.

Advice on rule FVL_02

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

To avoid this, you should remove the value 'Data unavailable' from any lists of cultural identity values.

If you revise your submission, the reporting platform's Data Quality Review report can help you confirm you've addressed this issue. To view it, log into the reporting platform and navigate to Reports > Review.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • who should be included in your family violence leave dataset; and
  • the data specification for the 'Cultural identity' field.

FVL_DG_01 If provided, my organisation's family violence leave dataset includes Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander status data.

Each row in the family violence leave dataset represents one family violence leave taker at your organisation. The 'Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander' data field is available to use, but it's not required.

The Commission checks whether your organisation made use of this optional field.

FVL_DG_02 If provided, my organisation's family violence leave dataset includes age data

Each row in the family violence leave dataset represents one family violence leave taker at your organisation. The 'Age' data field is available to use, but it's not required.

The Commission checks whether your organisation made use of this optional field.

FVL_DG_03 If provided, my organisation's family violence leave dataset includes cultural identity data

Each row in the family violence leave dataset represents one family violence leave taker at your organisation. The 'Cultural identity' data field is available to use, but it's not required.

The Commission checks whether your organisation made use of this optional field.

FVL_DG_04 If provided, my organisation's family violence leave dataset includes disability status data

Each row in the family violence leave dataset represents one family violence leave taker at your organisation. The 'Disability status' data field is available to use, but it's not required.

The Commission checks whether your organisation made use of this optional field.

FVL_DG_05 If provided, my organisation's family violence leave dataset includes religion data

Each row in the family violence leave dataset represents one family violence leave taker at your organisation. The 'Religion' data field is available to use, but it's not required.

The Commission checks whether your organisation made use of this optional field.

FVL_DG_06 If provided, my organisation's family violence leave dataset includes sexual orientation data

Each row in the family violence leave dataset represents one family violence leave taker at your organisation. The 'Sexual orientation' data field is available to use, but it's not required.

The Commission checks whether your organisation made use of this optional field.

FVL_ID_01 If provided, my organisation's family violence leave dataset includes Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander status data for most leave takers

Each row in the family violence leave dataset represents one family violence leave taker at your organisation. The 'Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander' data field is available to use, but it's not required. Organisations may have this data available for some family violence leave takers but not others.

The Commission checks whether your organisation had this data available for 80% of your family violence leave takers or more.

Advice on rule FVL_ID_01

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you are unable to provide more data.

FVL_ID_02 If provided, my organisation's family violence leave dataset includes age data for most leave takers

Each row in the family violence leave dataset represents one family violence leave taker at your organisation. The 'Age' data field is available to use, but it's not required. Organisations may have this data available for some family violence leave takers but not others.

The Commission checks whether your organisation had this data available for 80% of your family violence leave takers or more.

Advice on rule FVL_ID_02

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you are unable to provide more data.

FVL_ID_03 If provided, my organisation's family violence leave dataset includes cultural identity data for most leave takers

Each row in the family violence leave dataset represents one family violence leave taker at your organisation. The 'Cultural identity' data field is available to use, but it's not required. Organisations may have this data available for some family violence leave takers but not others.

The Commission checks whether your organisation had this data available for 80% of your family violence leave takers or more.

Advice on rule FVL_ID_03

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you are unable to provide more data.

FVL_ID_04 If provided, my organisation's family violence leave dataset includes disability status data for most leave takers

Each row in the family violence leave dataset represents one family violence leave taker at your organisation. The 'Disability status' data field is available to use, but it's not required. Organisations may have this data available for some family violence leave takers but not others.

The Commission checks whether your organisation had this data available for 80% of your family violence leave takers or more.

Advice on rule FVL_ID_04

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you are unable to provide more data.

FVL_ID_05 If provided, my organisation's family violence leave dataset includes religion data for most leave takers

Each row in the family violence leave dataset represents one family violence leave taker at your organisation. The 'Religion' data field is available to use, but it's not required. Organisations may have this data available for some family violence leave takers but not others.

The Commission checks whether your organisation had this data available for 80% of your family violence leave takers or more.

Advice on rule FVL_ID_05

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you are unable to provide more data.

FVL_ID_06 If provided, my organisation's family violence leave dataset includes sexual orientation data for most leave takers

Each row in the family violence leave dataset represents one family violence leave taker at your organisation. The 'Sexual orientation' data field is available to use, but it's not required. Organisations may have this data available for some family violence leave takers but not others.

The Commission checks whether your organisation had this data available for 80% of your family violence leave takers or more.

Advice on rule FVL_ID_06

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you are unable to provide more data.

FVL_SI_00 My organisation's employee dataset appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule FVL_SI_00

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

FVL_SI_01 Within the family violence leave dataset, my organisation's gender data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule FVL_SI_01

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

FVL_SI_02 Within the family violence leave dataset, my organisation's Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander status data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule FVL_SI_02

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

FVL_SI_03 Within the family violence leave dataset, my organisation's age data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule FVL_SI_03

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

FVL_SI_04 Within the family violence leave dataset, my organisation's cultural identity data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule FVL_SI_04

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

FVL_SI_05 Within the family violence leave dataset, my organisation's disability status data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule FVL_SI_05

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

FVL_SI_06 Within the family violence leave dataset, my organisation's religion data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule FVL_SI_06

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

FVL_SI_07 Within the family violence leave dataset, my organisation's sexual orientation data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule FVL_SI_07

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

Organisation Dataset

O_01 My organisation has noted whether it has supplied governing body data

The organisation dataset provides space for you to tell the Commission about your organisation and its audit data. Within it, you can use the 'Governing body data availability' field to tell us whether you've included governing body data in your audit submission.

This field helps us know to look for governing body data from you, or that you've left a dataset intentionally blank.

Advice on rule O_01

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

Please contact the Commission if you genuinely have no governing body.

If you revise your submission, the reporting platform's Data Quality Review report can help you confirm you've addressed this issue. To view it, log into the reporting platform and navigate to Reports > Review.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • background on the organisation dataset; and
  • the data specification for the 'Governing body data availability' field.

O_02 My organisation has described why it has not supplied governing body data, where expected

The organisation dataset provides space for you to tell the Commission about your organisation and its audit data. Within it, you can use the 'Reason governing body data unavailable' field to tell us why your organisation is unable to provide governing body data.

This field helps us understand your organisation's individual circumstances.

Advice on rule O_02

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

If you revise your submission, the reporting platform's Data Quality Review report can help you confirm you've addressed this issue. To view it, log into the reporting platform and navigate to Reports > Review.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • background on the organisation dataset; and
  • the data specification for the 'Reason governing body data unavailable' field.

O_03 My organisation has noted whether it has supplied sexual harassment complaints data

The organisation dataset provides space for you to tell the Commission about your organisation and its audit data. Within it, you can use the 'Sexual harassment complaints data availability' field to tell us whether you've included sexual harassment complaint data in your audit submission.

This field helps us know to look for sexual harassment complaint data from you, or that you've left a dataset intentionally blank.

Advice on rule O_03

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

Please contact the Commission if you had no sexual harassment complaints in the audit reporting period.

If you revise your submission, the reporting platform's Data Quality Review report can help you confirm you've addressed this issue. To view it, log into the reporting platform and navigate to Reports > Review.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • background on the organisation dataset; and
  • the data specification for the 'Sexual harassment complaints data availability' field.

O_04 My organisation has described why it has not supplied sexual harassment complaints data, where expected

The organisation dataset provides space for you to tell the Commission about your organisation and its audit data. Within it, you can use the 'Reason sexual harassment complaints data unavailable' field to tell us why your organisation is unable to provide sexual harassment complaints data.

This field helps us understand your organisation's individual circumstances.

Advice on rule O_04

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

If you revise your submission, the reporting platform's Data Quality Review report can help you confirm you've addressed this issue. To view it, log into the reporting platform and navigate to Reports > Review.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • background on the organisation dataset; and
  • the data specification for the 'Reason sexual harassment complaints data unavailable' field.

O_05 My organisation has listed the actions it took to prevent future sexual harassment

The organisation dataset provides space for you to tell the Commission about your organisation and its audit data. Within it, you can use the 'Actions taken to prevent future sexual harassment' field to tell us about what steps your organisation took during the 12-month audit reporting period.

If your organisation took more than one action, you should format the selections as a list delimited with vertical bars like this: A|B|C

If your organisation did not take any specific actions to prevent sexual harassment, enter the value G (No actions taken).

Completing this field helps your organisation track the actions you've taken over time.

Advice on rule O_05

You are not required to address this issue.

If you revise your submission, the reporting platform's Data Quality Review report can help you confirm you've addressed this issue. To view it, log into the reporting platform and navigate to Reports > Review.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • background on the organisation dataset; and
  • the data specification for the 'Actions taken to prevent future sexual harassment' field.

O_06 My organisation has noted whether it has supplied family violence leave data

The organisation dataset provides space for you to tell the Commission about your organisation and its audit data. Within it, you can use the 'Family violence leave data availability' field to tell us whether you've included family violence leave data in your audit submission.

This field helps us know to look for family violence leave data from you, or that you've left a dataset intentionally blank.

Advice on rule O_06

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

Please contact the Commission if you had no family violence leave takers in the audit reporting period.

If you revise your submission, the reporting platform's Data Quality Review report can help you confirm you've addressed this issue. To view it, log into the reporting platform and navigate to Reports > Review.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • background on the organisation dataset; and
  • the data specification for the 'Family violence leave data availability' field.

O_07 My organisation has described why it has not supplied family violence leave data, where expected

The organisation dataset provides space for you to tell the Commission about your organisation and its audit data. Within it, you can use the 'Reason family violence leave data unavailable' field to tell us why your organisation is unable to provide family violence leave data.

This field helps us understand your organisation's individual circumstances.

Advice on rule O_07

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

If you revise your submission, the reporting platform's Data Quality Review report can help you confirm you've addressed this issue. To view it, log into the reporting platform and navigate to Reports > Review.

Refer to the progress audit handbook for detail on topic such as:

  • background on the organisation dataset; and
  • the data specification for the 'Reason family violence leave data unavailable' field.

O_08 My organisation has used the current version of the workforce reporting template

The Commission released version 1.0 of the Progress audit 2023 - Workforce reporting template in July 2023. If any critical issues are identified with the template, we may release a new version to correct them.

The Commission checks the template version you used to ensure it's up to date.

Advice on rule O_08

If you haven't used the correct template, the Commission can't assess your submission. You will be asked to address this issue and resubmit your audit.

After you revise your data, the reporting platform's Data Quality Review report can help you confirm you've addressed this issue. To view it, log into the reporting platform and navigate to Reports > Review.

O_09 My organisation did not note any significant data quality issues in its commentary

The organisation dataset provides space for you to tell the Commission about your organisation and its audit data.

The Commission reviews your data commentary for evidence of data quality issues.

Advice on rule O_09

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action.

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

O_10 My organisation submitted a progress audit on time or with an approved extension

Most organisations with obligations under the Gender Equality Act 2020 are required to report on their gender equality progress to the Public Sector Gender Equality Commissioner every 2 years. The Gender Equality Regulations 2020 clarify that this includes a progress audit.

The Commissioner extended the due date for progress reports and progress audits from 31 October 2023 to 20 February 2024.

The Commission checks whether you submitted your progress audit on or before the due date. If you were granted a further extension, we check whether you submitted your progress audit on or before that date.

Advice on rule O_10

You are not required to address this issue. We encourage your organisation to allow ample time to conduct its next audit in 2025.

O_11 My organisation did not include any potentially identifiable information in its commentary

The organisation dataset provides space for you to tell the Commission about your organisation and its audit data.

The Commission reviews your data commentary for potentially identifiable information.

Advice on rule O_11

If you've included potentially identifiable information in your commentary, it raises the risk profile of your submission. You will be asked to address this issue and resubmit your audit.

Employee Experience Dataset

EED_01 My organisation has provided employee experience data if expected

Most organisations with obligations under the Gender Equality Act 2020 are required to report on their gender equality progress to the Public Sector Gender Equality Commissioner every 2 years. The Gender Equality Regulations 2020 clarify that this includes a progress audit.

Best practice is to collect 2 types of data for your progress audit:

  • Workforce data, which is taken from your internal data collection systems; and
  • Employee experience data, which comes from an employee experience survey.

Employee experience survey data complements workforce data. Collecting it helps ensure that your organisation will have enough data to assess progress against each of the 7 workplace gender equality indicators. This data enables organisations to better understand the varied experiences of different gender groups within their workforce. It's particularly valuable in areas such as sexual harassment or discrimination, where formal records may not exist or may systematically underrepresent an issue.

The Commission checks whether your submission includes employee experience data.

Advice on rule EED_01

You are not required to address this issue. When your data is published to our Insights Portal, some sections will display the message 'Suitable data not supplied'.

EED_DG_01 My organisation's employee experience dataset includes reportable results

Each row in the employee experience dataset represents a measure calculated from your organisation's employee experience survey results. For example, one measure might be the proportion of each gender group that agreed with the statement 'I feel safe to challenge inappropriate behaviour at work'.

Best practice is to report these aggregated results only when certain anonymisation conditions are met. For example, if you received fewer than 10 responses from a gender group, results for that group shouldn't be reported. This is captured within the employee experience reporting template by entering the code 'N'.

The Commission checks whether your submission includes any reportable employee experience survey results.

EED_SI_01 My organisation's employee experience data appears to meet the specifications

Please refer to your organisation's audit feedback report for detail about this rule.

Advice on rule EED_SI_01

You are not required to address this issue. However, the Commission will exclude some of your audit data from our publications if you do not take action. When your data is published to our Insights Portal, some sections will display the message 'Suitable data not supplied'.
